Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011- Brittany Montague

Bmac! Let's recount the day we met: you hated me because I was "stealing" your best friend Bailey, you missed the bus and used me for a ride home since I was the only one in our grade who drove. Great way to start a friendship... Honestly though, I couldn't have planned meeting you any more perfectly. We somehow found something in common and you quickly gave up the bus rides home for a ride in the front seat of Pablo. Despite our pithy and shallow conversations, our friendship grew to much more after a season of tough times and distance. We came to know our incredible Savior and our lives were forever changed.

If I could describe Bmac in one word, it would be joy. She is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous and never ceases to make you laugh, even if she isn't trying to. I love her sassy personality and silly jokes that sometimes only crack herself up. Her spirit is untouchable and when she sets her mind to doing something, she does it. Whether it was Tuesday morning pancakes that we brought to our teacher instead of taking our final or swinging by McDonald's after she got her braces off, Bmac and I have had some unbelievable times together. She is considerate and would do anything for others, regardless of the request. Her friendships are deep and nothing means more to her then sticking up for them and looking out for them in the darkest of times. 

The best quality I have learned from Bmac is to never give up on others. Sometimes I don't understand why she does things she does for others, but it makes since to her and it makes her friends feel so loved and important that it doesn't matter who it makes since to. She is beyond caring and it is inspiring to see how she loves her friends. I admire her spirit for the Lord and the excitement she finds in His grace and forgiveness. Bmac, you have been a very close friend of mine for a long time, know that I ill never give up on you and that I will always love you for exactly who God made you to be. Your light is contagious, never forget how much you are adored by your Savior and how jealous He is for you. I love you forever.

1 John 4:11-12
"Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us."

p.s. don't kill me for putting this picture up. It's all out of love.

January 30, 2011- Kellie Mitchum

Niquita, first and foremost, I am so proud of your courage and strength to do what you know is right all the time and I truly do admire you for that. That being said, Kel-Kel is my beautiful big sis in the greatest sorority around, Kappa Delta, and I love her fire for life and all that it entails. Her silly spirit is always a blast to be around, and the joy she finds in her creator is beautiful to see. Kel-Kel is truly one of a kind.

Well I'm not sure if I should recount the first or the last time I hung out with Kel-Kel as the most memorable to me because honestly, every time is a riot. The first was when we went to cardio-kickboxing(funny) and the last, she and Sarah Hord forced me to brush my hair and spray leave in conditioner in front of them, both of which they had purchased for me(funnier?). Needless to say, even though she makes me brush my hair and work out, I adore her.

The thing I have learned most recently from Niquita is one of my favorite things I have learned from her in general. She taught me through her actions to never be afraid to do what is right. It is a hard thing to love someone to the point of helping them when they don't want it and she is wonderfully gifted at doing that. Her heart is in the right place when it comes to loving others and her intentions are brave and inspiring. I love being around her boldness and watching her love others in her own way. Kel-Kel thank you for always being there when I need you and especially when I don't. You are an incredible daughter of Christ and I love sharing life with you. I love you forever.

2 Timothy 1:7
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 29, 2011- Sean Brady

Seanpond is by far the sassiest boy I have ever met. Ever. He may fool you at first, putting on his sweet, quiet front, but when you hang out with him the second or third time, his true personality comes out and trust me you are in for a shock. Whether it's your second or a thousand and second time hanging out with him, you will never walk away feeling encouraged or good about yourself; but you will leave knowing that all of his sarcasm and sass is purely out of love.

As the story seems to go, I met Sean Pond because of camp. We met at a mall in Florida for the first time when Ally Howard dragged him along to meet Rachel Jordan and I. RayJ and I awed and giggled about how sweet he was and how much fun it would be to spend the summer with him for weeks and had three-way phone dates and became fast friends. The next time I got to hang out with Seanpond, he brought Jandies and Jason Battaglia (Catz) along with him to Islands of Adventure. This was when I first realized how much of a sass ball he was. The cutting sarcasm and wit that he threw my direction caught me way off guard, and I quickly learned that our friendship would be anything but sweet and encouraging. After a summer and a half together, I have come to adore how rude and sassy he can be, because I know(or at least I hope) it is all out of love. 

The greatest thing about Seanpond is often fleeting, but makes it that much more wonderful. Every now and again, there will be a single moment where he makes you feel like you are the most wonderful person alive. He is genuinely kind and so uplifting in his words and actions towards others. Seanpond taught me how incredible it feels to be loved as a friend and a brother in Christ, and has helped shape me into the woman I am today. I strive to treat others the way he makes me feel in those moments, when his guard is down and honesty prevails the sarcastic cover-up's that are comfortable. Seanpond, you know how much I adore you and I pray everyday that you will continue to seek after God's plan for you. You are an incredible man and I am so excited to watch the Lord mold you into who He desires you to be. I love you forever.

1 Peter 4:8
"Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins."

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 28, 2011- Mary Becker Menendez

Double Becker Bus, I don't know if I got my point across this summer, but I love you. MBM is one of the sweetest people you will ever have the chance to meet. I wish I could say it was weird for me to befriend a sixteen year old that quickly, but alas, I befriended thirteen year olds that quickly so it wasn't abnormal at all. MBM has a way of listening and absorbing things that is far beyond her age. She is wise and responsible, but is never opposed to some "kate miller" fun, which may seem contradictory, but she manages it with flare!

From the second I had my first real conversation with the DBB, I knew she was one of a kind. Her sweet spirit was inviting and easy to talk to, and her love for others was so beautiful to see. Between the archery classes, trips to trading post, worship sessions in guitar, sunnyside/dreams prom dancing and scheming our way to dinner- the DBB and I had some great times that quickly lead to incomparable memories. She has an incredible gift that few other girls her age do; the gift of discernment and the willingness to listen to others before telling them about herself. It is such an uncommon trait of a girl her age, and leads to such maturity I am blown away by her. 

The thing I have learned from Mary Becker, is one that still stuns me to realize that she taught me. We as humans, often get caught in the selfish mindset that the world somehow revolves around us, and that our struggles are way more important then anyone else's. The DBB has an unbelievably mature gift of selflessness and putting others far beyond herself. It is beautiful to witness and incredibly encouraging to see in a girl of her age. It gives me such hope for those her age and even younger, that they may find the joy and the wonderful gift she has found in Christ. DBB, I am so proud of you and so thankful that I know you. Your joyfulness is wonderful and I encourage you to keep seeking out the Lord in all that you do. Stay strong in who you are and never give up your relationship with Him for anything or anyone. I love you forever Mary Becker.

1 Timothy 4:12
"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 27, 2011- Annie-Grace Shaffer

AG, my little bear/badger! First off, let's soak in that you live in Boone and attend the same university as me now. so. freaking. wonderful. AG and I didn't get super close at camp until I was given the best job at camp: temporary day hostess. We bonded over the silly non-touristy orlando things to do and the joy of being forty five minutes from the beach in between my bugle ringing and missing camper announcements. Honestly though, AG was one of those people that I just knew was going to be a part of my life post camp. 

Annie Grace has a beautiful, beautiful heart. Her desire to please God in everything comes above all else, which is a refreshing quality in a person today. The joy she seeks out in people and situations is wonderful to witness and I am so lucky to be able to have her nearby to fellowship and pray with. AG has this ability to really listen and respond with words only God could give her. I am so encouraged after every conversation we have, and she never gives up on me when I truly need a friend. Her ability to speak freely is incredible to be around and her love for those that God places on her heart is relentless. 

The thing I have learned most from AG is to always trust that God has me where He does for a reason. He would never throw me into a situation that I wouldn't be glorifying Him through, and that is such a needed reminder for me sometimes. The Lord truly speaks to me through her and her ability to understand my feelings about things astounds me. AG, thank you so much for being an incredible sister in Christ and for never forgetting that God has you where He does because it is part of the plan. You are so, so wonderful and I am so thankful that you are in my life. Love you forever my little badger.

Isaiah 55:8-9
"“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26, 2011- Kaley Budnik

KBUD. Hmmm, well there are countless ways to start this but I think we can kick it off with a nice gack gack? Goodness, KBud is the girl that you meet and never forget. Truly though, I met her in the seventh grade and after our trip to the circus, I never forgot how ridiculous she was, or maybe just how ridiculous we were together? Regardless, if you don't know Kaley, go to Orlando and meet her because you may have the best time of your life just chatting with her. 

Kaley and I have always had the gift of never caring what anyone else thinks when the other is around. We did things in high school that I still look back on and wonder what state of mind I was in, and somehow always managed to escape the consequences that should have come with our actions. No matter what we did, an inappropriate nickname, inside joke or comment seemed to be inevitably nearby. Wherever we were, we had a dang good time and never thought twice about our actions. 

The coolest thing about KBud though, is that she is far from all fun and games. She has a beautiful spirit about her that Jesus just flows through. Her heart for others and just joy found in life is contagious and inspiring to be around. She has an incredible gift of inclusion and can make you feel like her best friend in four minutes flat, disregarding any stereotype or previous judgement she may have heard about you(And with the amount of friends that girl has, she has probably heard it!) Truly though, she is an incredible friend and a stunning sister in Christ. KBud, thank you for all the laughs, memories, moments of sheer stupidity and most importantly-love. I love you forever. GACK GACK.

1 John 3:18
"Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions."

January 25, 2011- Hillary Gibbs

Gibbs, Skillary Skibbs, Gibbles, Little Carrot; whatever you know her by, she is wonderful. A seemingly common reoccurrence of my camp counselors becoming my best friends is yet again witnessed here. Gibbles was my counselor when I was fifteen and I cannot even describe to you the friend-crush I had on here prior to her being my counselor. Gibbs was one of those people you heard about as a camper and were just in awe of how cool she seemed. Then I got to know her and realized she wasn't that cool...

KIDDING. She truly is the coolest. Really though, she is one of those people you want to just hug(and that's saying a lot coming from a girl who isn't big on hugging.) Gibbs has this precious way of caring about people and loving them so much that you know she would do anything for you. No matter where you are, or what you are going through, if you ask her to be there she will. Gibbles way of communicating is through encouragement and love for others which is an incredible thing to be around. She loves to build others up and truly make you feel the way God created you. Her heart is so beautiful and so uplifting to be near, and I am so thankful for the time that we got to be close to the Lord together. 

What I have learned from Gibbles is never to think down on yourself. It is a self destructing thing that leads nowhere, and why on earth would you want to feel that way if you could experience the unbelievable beauty found in Christ and in turn, yourself. Gibbs never ceases to put a smile on my face and will forever be the best hugger around. Skillery Skibbs, you are amazing. I still cannot believe you are getting married and growing up so dang fast. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for me, I love you forever.

Psalm 139:14
"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it."

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011- Tyler Lohse

Ty Ty is a man with so much joy, I am surprised the world can handle it. He has this effect on people that is indescribably wonderful, and truly makes you melt. Sallie just looked over my shoulder to see who I was writing about today and immediately responded with "awwwww" followed by Haley's "I LOVE TY TY!!" if that helps you understand how great he is at all. Anyway, Ty Ty is one of those people you will never forget no matter how long you have spent with him.

The first memory I have of Ty Ty is when we had our day off together and decided to roam around Asheville together, hitting up all the important places like the prayer room and chocolate lounge. He will probably admit to you how skeptical he was of having the day off with some random people who laughed at inappropriate times and talk about things that don't make sense at all(if you know Jordan and I, especially together, you will certainly understand that). Ty Ty was a trooper about dealing with us though, and hasn't stopped dealing with me since then. Tyler has a gift of comfort that I don't think I will ever understand until I get to Heaven. As most of you know, I am not a touchy-feely type of girl at all but a hug from Ty Ty can make me smile any day, no matter what kind of mood I'm in. He has an ease about him that everyone wants to be around, and a heart that is beautiful to watch care for others. 

One of the greatest things I have learned from Ty Ty is to trust. He has such hope in the world and the people that God has placed in his life. The comfortability he has in conversation about light or heavy topics comes so easily to him, or seemingly so, and it is inspiring to be around someone so honest and so trusting. You take everyday as a gift and I love watching how happy you are with each blessing Go gives you. Ty Ty you are truly sunshine on the cloudiest of days and know that I so appreciate all the joy and laughter you bring into my life every time I get to see, talk or hear from you. You are incredible Ty Ty and I love you forever.

Psalm 118:24
"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."

January 23, 2011- Sarah Kathryn Coley

Sarah Kathryn, I want to start this out saying I cannot wait to know you better. Your heart is so beautiful and I am so, so lucky to know you. Jesus has done incredible things through you that touch more lives then you realize, mine included. Sarah Kathryn is one of those people that has a light and spirit about her that everyone desires to know about. She has a fire for life and a love for others that is so inspiring to be around. Her presence is encouraging and so appreciated wherever she is.

Last night, Haley and I started up our KD bible study and Sarah Kathryn was one of the girls that showed up to eat the awful brownies I attempted to make and fellowship with her sisters. I won't get into the wonderful input she had to our bible study because I could write a novel, but I will get into what she did for Hales and I after everyone had left. Sarah Kathryn stayed behind and prayed for our hearts, our influence, KD and most importantly our sister's hearts. As cliche as this is, it was so encouraging to know that Sarah Kathryn was praying just as hard for Jesus to be evident in our sister's lives. She is striving for His kingdom to be furthered and has such hope for those who haven't found the joy and the peace we have in Christ. Prayer is such a powerful thing and Sarah Kathryn reminded me last night that it is the most important thing we can do for other's sometimes.

Sarah Kathryn thank you so much for loving others the way you do, and for living a life that is inspiringly beautiful to watch. 

Philippians 4:6
"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22, 2011- Rita

If you don't know Rita's story, I encourage you to ask. It is a hard one to hear and will remain heavy on your heart after you hear it. It's one that needs to be heard and not read though. It's one that will bring tears and rejoicing and questioning, but most importantly, it will bring prayer. And prayer is all I can ask from you all. Prayer that Rita will feel God's arms wrapped tightly around her. Prayer that she will drink the water Jesus is providing and be thirsty no more. Rita, I don't know you but every bone in my body cries out prayers for you. I will never give up on you or forget the fight you are forced to endure. I love you forever.

Psalm 17:1
"O Lord, hear my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from honest lips."

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21, 2011-Will Harris

William Dykes Harris, aka askjdsufbskfsvkbds. Where to begin? I guess we could start with our drive around in Gainesville where your first nickname came about from me because of your weaving class (Weaver Willy) or maybe we should start with the trip to Gainesville where Hayley and I tried to make you pee on the side of the road, or maybe we should start at the beginning of our true friendship when we ran along side each other in our race towards the finish line of Heaven. Regardless of where or when it started, I am so thankful God allowed us to meet and serve Him together. 

Will is the type of guy that you love to be around. His kindness surpasses most and his fire for Christ is awesome to be around. He holds others accountable but in the most loving way imaginable and he cares for his friends in ways that many will never be lucky enough to understand. I know that He would do absolutely anything for me and that his thoughts and prayers always include those that he loves. His selflessness is unbelievable, and his spiritual maturity is far beyond his years. Will has been an incredible brother in Christ to me even when I wasn't a great sister to him. 

My favorite thing about Will is that he now loves coffee. Just kidding, I do love that but really my favorite thing is his love for the Lord. It is an incredible thing to be a friends with a man who loves his creator with every ounce in him. The passion he has for glorifying God in all that he does is beautiful and inspiring. The relationship he has with Him is personal and precious and completely his own. I love being able to call him my brother and one of my best friends. Bro, thank you so much being such an incredible role model for me and all those you have the opportunity to be around. Stay strong in who you are and never give up on the people you love and even those you don't love. I am lucky to know you, I love you forever.

Luke 10:27
"The man answered, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011- Ellie Thomas

My dearest Ellie, this letter is far overdue. I cannot believe that it has taken me this long to respond to the letter you wrote me this summer, but better late then never I suppose. You, are absolutely incredible. Ellie, I didn't tell you that nearly enough this past summer, but I hope I got my point across for how wonderful I think you are. Ellie Thomas is hands down one of the most beautiful girls I have ever known. I got the pleasure of being her counselor this past summer, and getting insight into her loving heart through devotions and just fellowship. If you ask Ellie about how we first met, she will bring up the fact that I couldn't remember who she was; this story, however much true, is INCREDIBLY exaggerated. The real story is that I had her sister in one of my classes and she mentioned that I had Ellie in my cabin and it just took me a minute to place a name with a face. In case I haven't said it enough, I'm sorry about that...

Ellie is the type of girl you want to get to know. She has a spirit about her that is irresistibly contagious, exciting and lively; who wouldn't want to be around her!? Truly though, from the moment I met Ellie, I knew there was something about her I wanted to know and a heart so loving, it deserved to be shown off to the world. I mentioned before, in a past entry, about God placing people on your heart just because He wants you to love them. Ellie Thomas is certainly one of those people. Her charismatic attitude towards life is so much fun to be near, and her unfailing devotion to her friends is one that few can compare to. She has a way of loving others that simply consists of building others up and encouraging them in their strengths. Watching Ellie was sometimes like looking at myself at her age. I don't mean that at all in the sense that I am as cool as Ellie,(because we all know I'm not) but in the sense that her struggles and battles were uncommonly similar to my own. When Ellie was joyful, so was my heart; and when she wasn't, my heart broke because I knew exactly how she felt. 

My favorite memory of Ellie was the night we did a devotion on beauty. For a moment, after we talked about how precious we all are to Jesus, there was sheer vulnerability in the crowd of fifteen year old girls. They didn't have to fake a smile or put on a pretty face for a boy they wanted to notice them. They didn't have to cover up their emotion because society has made it unacceptable to be weak in front of others. Ellie had a moment that changed my summer; a moment that may have been the entire reason I worked at camp. Ellie showed me how beautiful it is to be exactly who the Lord created you to be, and gave me such hope for girls to realize how incredible they are without the makeup, boys, gossip and perfect hair. It was an indescribable sight to see those girls, Ellie included, completely vulnerable and flawlessly beautiful in the Lord's eyes. 

Ellie Thomas is one of those people who has the spirit to save an immeasurable amount of people. She is a leader, and a bold daughter of God who will one day change the world. Ellie, never forget how stunning you are. Life is so hard and there will be mountains you don't think you can, or even desire to climb, but I pray continually that you will. You have the influence and courage to change the world you know to be so cruel and unforgiving, and I pray that you don't shy away from those gifts you have been blessed with. Know that I will always be here for you and that I will never give up on you. I love you forever Ellie.

Ephesians 2:8-10
"God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."

P.S. I realize how ridiculous this picture is of us, but it cracks me up to think about this night!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011- Kaitlin Meadows

Happy, happy, happy, happy, HAPPPPPPPYYYYYYY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Deeb, Bambs, Katiebob, whatever else I have ever called you, happy golden birthday! You are officially old enough to do the same things you could do this year and nothing else; go you. Kaitlin Gibbs Meadows is really, really weird. You may not realize how weird she is at first, because to the naked eye she is just like any other beautiful red-headed gem who wears trendy clothes and has a lot of really great friends (obviously, just look at me.) But in all actuality, after you have more then one conversation with her, you will realize the ridiculous, sassy, FREAK she truly is. 

Kaitlin has this gift of love that few come close to in comparison. I have started to realize how often I write about people's love and how it has influenced me, but everyone has a different way of loving, and ironically enough, I love that about people. Kaitlin's way of love is unique; she has a quite type of love that speaks loudly through actions and selflessness. Regardless of who you are to her, she will do anything for you. Love is something that she takes very seriously, but gives freely. It is a beautiful thing to be around someone who lets Christ's love for others shine to everyone she knows and doesn't know. Kaitlin has this gift of dreaming and not letting those dreams and goals slip away from her. If she sets her mind to something, it gets done. That may be in part because of her incredible and headstrong mother who lives out every ambition and goal she has ever had, but even that comes from the Lord. Her faith is unbelievable to be a witness to because it is so pure and so personal with her creator and king. I was blessed my junior year of high school to have Kaitlin and start a friendship with her that changed the way I viewed friendship forever. She helped me in so many ways, discover and further my faith and my walk with Jesus. We were inseparable, and were mostly referred to as Click and Clack. We struggled through chemistry together, and somehow both passed after endless study sessions that didn't help at all. I could never have molded a better friend for myself, and she was the first person who helped me realize how precious of a gift friendship is from God. 

The most wonderful thing I have taken from our friendship is surprisingly not the love of chai with sugar free vanilla or the tolerance of little, yippie dogs. The most wonderful thing I have taken from our friendship, is the way she treats people. When she had all the friends in the world, she still took the time to be mine. She never makes me feel inferior or not worthy of her friendship, even though I certainly don't deserve it. I appreciate her so much more then I have ever been able to convey to her in words, but she truly is incredible. Katiebob, I am so thankful that I have known you my WHOLE LIFE (aka three-ish years) and know that I pray for you all the time. Continue to love without limits and never be afraid to take chances on the things you love. I love your outlook on guarding your heart, never forget how much your Father adores you. I love you forever Deeb.

Proverbs 4:23
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18, 2011- Ann Giornelli

Anthony Giornelli. First of all, I miss you quite a bit. It is absolutely ridiculous that we are living in the same state and I have seen you less then I did when we lived in different ones! Ann is one of the sweetest people I have ever been lucky enough to know. She was my friend when I was going through the awkward middle school years, and continued to be one throughout the "tough" years that most people call high school. We decided to profess our love to each other at the Dairy King (baby coochie roll) back in our younger years and ended up having a long engagement and a marriage in front of all of our wonderful friends on the canoe dock. I have loved being married to her for a year and a half, and I hope our marriage stands the test of time. She is by far the most awkward but most beautiful person I have ever met, and she has grown to be an incredible woman of God in the time I have been blessed to spend with her.

Ann is the type of person who you either love or adore. I chose both of those options because she is so dang wonderful. Her sweet spirit is so joyful to be around and always puts me in a good mood. She has this incredible gift of listening to every word I say, and regardless of what comes out of my mouth, her love for me never waivers. She is caring and patient with everyone she comes in contact with and never makes your feel inferior to her. Her heart is pure and encouraging in every action she makes and every word she says. 

The thing I have have loved learning from Ann the most is her patience. She has such a way with loving people and having them know she is there without forcing anything out of them. I could talk to her for days and know that she would listen, despite whatever things were more important that she could be doing. Ann is encouraging without words and comforting in her presence. Punkin, I love you so, so much. Thank you for always being there and always taking the time to invest in my life, even when it was the last thing you wanted to hear about. You are incredible and I pray continually for you and your faith that I know changes lives everywhere you go. I love you forever.

Colossians 1:11-12
"We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light."

January 17, 2011-Jordan Howell

Jayho, Athos, whatever you want to call him, he is great. I got the pleasure of meeting Jayho last semester in the library one day and knew soon after I met him that we would be pretty great friends. We started venturing to the parkway with Josh instead of going to class and realized how rebellious we both were. Our friendship blossomed into the three musketeers and if one was there, the other two were not far behind.  One of my favorite memories with Jordan is the late night decision to drive on and all around campus. I don't mean drive around campus on the roads designed for that though, I mean drive up around Greer and ride around campus in his jeep. From then on out, we started to realize how similar we are.

Jordan is quite the character. Haley always recounts the days she was intimidated by him, and we just have to laugh. Jordan is the definition of a diva; he is sassy, he whines, he never follows the crowd and (like me) gets what he wants. Being around him is absolutely hysterical and I wouldn't trade a moment with him for anything else. His heart longs for justice, freedom and joy for those who cannot find any and treats every situation he is placed in as a blessing for God. All that he does is because Christ asks him to and he would never enter into something without taking the time to pray and ask if it is truly what he should be doing. He relies on the Lord solely to help overcome his troubles and never backs down from a challenge. It is a beautiful thing to be in the presence of such a devoted follower of Christ, and inspiring to see the joy he finds in even the smallest of victories.

The greatest thing I have learned from Jordan is compassion. His heart truly feels for everyone and everything and his emotions are so present and so encouraging to others. Jordan is one of those people who is vulnerable with everyone he talks with, which makes others comfortable and willing to be vulnerable with him. He is so gifted in the way he relates to people and his heart beats for his creator and his creator alone. Jordan, thank you for demonstrating love to those you know and even those you don't. I am lucky to have a friend who will call me out when I am wrong and rejoice with me when I am focused on walking in the Lord's path for me. Love you forever!

Isaiah 61:1
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2011- Nina Riggio

If you ever went to camp Merri-Mac, there was probably a point in your life that you wanted to be Nina Riggio. Let's be honest: she's really cool. I'm two years older then her and (not that it's hard to be, but) she is WAY cooler then I will ever be. Nina is one of those people you hear about from everyone else, and she is built up to be the most rad person ever, then you meet her and she's way more rad then people built her up to be. In case you couldn't tell from this first little blurb of nonsense, I think Nina Riggio is incredible.

The best part about Nina isn't that she climbs rocks like a champ, or that she is way to trendy for me to walk next to. The best part about Nina is her heart. Her heart is one of the most beautiful things I have ever had the opportunity to get to know, and if you haven't had a conversation with her, I highly recommend you take the time to. She has this incredible gift of making you feel as important as God intended you to be, which is something most humans are sadly not used to. She is genuinely interested in who you are and how you became they way you did. She looks closely to people's hearts and listens intently to everything you say, regardless of whether you find it profound or not. Nina has a way of making you feel loved, simply because you are who God formed you to be.

The thing I love most about Nina though, is her spirit. Her spirit is unbelievable to watch leading others toward the Lord. She lives each day with other's in mind above herself, and never mentions the negative in another person. I hope to be a friend like Nina is someday, and to make other's feel the way she makes me feel. Nina, you are incredible, beautiful and such a light in the dark world we live in. Continue to strive for what the Lord puts on your heart, and never forget how precious you are to him. Stay true to who you are in Christ and never be afraid to be bold. Take the courage I know you have, and use it to please your creator. I love you forever Nina.

Joshua 1:9
"This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. "

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2011- Lindsey Lansky

Lin Lan. Honesty, I think I could just write any of the hundred sayings or expressions I now say because of her and leave it at that, but alas she has made too much of an impact in my life for just that. I met Lin Lan two summers ago when I went to dinner with Abby Glackin, Sarah Hord and all of the second session CIT's I didn't know- Lin Lan was not my biggest fan. The few words she did say to me were nothing but dry, sarcastic humor that I didn't want to hear in the midst of my post camp depression. When I re-met her this past summer, I knew the relationship would go one of two ways:we would either absolutely hate each other, or we would be incredible friends with unstoppable scheming methods. Lucky for us and unfortunately for everyone else, it was the latter of the two options. 

Lin Lan and I started our days and nights off from camp together, visiting the one love we had in common: Sarah Hord. Praise Jesus for that woman. We grew to be better friends with Chelsea and Sallie at our sides, and soon became impossible to separate. For those of you who know Lindsey, you can understand and love when I say Lin Lan is weird. There is truly no other way to describe it other then that. The best part about it, is that Lin Lan makes weird really cool. She knows who she is and she embraces her silly and endearing personality; not to mention everyone wants to know her, if not be her. 

I feel as though I have learned so much about myself in the time between camp this summer and today, but Lin Lan taught me how fun it is to be yourself, especially if you are weird. Lin Lan, you are probably one of the most wonderful people I have ever met, and I know God placed us in each other's lives for a reason. I don't know what that reason is yet, but I know that God is still working through you to me and I know that we are meant to share life together in the future. I love you forever Lin Lan.

Romans 12:2
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011-A child of God, a brother of mine.

In North Carolina, the winters are nothing like they are in Orlando, FL. The winters here are DANG cold. I took a trip to Asheville to visit the beautiful Anne Archer with Haley and we spent some time roaming the streets of downtown Asheville, where we passed numerous homeless people. The homeless in general are tough for me to walk away from or turn a cold shoulder too but a man sitting on the corner of a street particularly hurt my heart. As I complained and whined about how cold I was in my boots, warm socks, sweater and big, puffy jacket, his man caught my eye. He had very little on and was curled up in the tightest ball he could manage to try and stay warm. It hit me pretty hard how selfish I was becoming. I take so much of what seems at time to be momentarily uncomfortable for granted and things as simple as a jacket mean the world to some. 

I wonder who that man is. Who his family was or is, how he got there and how long he had been there. I wonder the stories he has, the things he knows. I wonder if maybe God placed him on that street corner so that I would walk by and wonder all of these things. I wonder if God put him there to teach me to stop wondering, and to find out. To hear the stories and understand the cold and the loss he may have suffered. To understand the hunger and the pain he may deal with and to show that man that there is hope. That cold man taught me in the split second that he caught my eye that I need to stop wondering and start doing.

Matthew 25:45
"And he will answer, I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011- Will Stokes

William Hall Stokes. I wish I knew where to begin this entry, but there are truly no words to describe how much you have effected me. Like many of the other twelve people I have already written about, I met you at camp(not as a camper of course because until age seventeen, boys are nothing but walking trees.) I know I talk about this a lot (but in case you are reading this and I have never had this conversation with you) for me, time is irrelevant. I don't measure things by age or months or knowing a certain person or doing a certain thing for a certain amount of time. Time doesn't make sense to me. I have realized in the last year that the only way I recount things is by memories; memories of people, places and things I have done. And according to my memories with you Will, I have known you for a very long time. 

The first time I met Will, there was something about him I wanted to figure out; a secret he had that I desperately wanted to know. I was lucky enough to teach archery(I still wonder sometimes why I taught that activity) with Will and slowly got to know his hopes, passions and how incredible his Party in the U.S.A. dance was. Jesus works in crazy ways, but I learned last summer that the best way I know to share Christ's love with others, and feel Christ's love is through encouragement. Such a simple way to let someone know you care, and the fear of sounding dumb or weird somehow holds us back from telling people how incredible they are. Will taught me, through encouragement, how uplifting it can be personally and how beautiful it looks to God. Building others up and loving them in ways that they feel appreciated and supported in what they're doing and how they are demonstrating Christ's love can make hearts so joyful. I have mentioned this before, but a huge struggle of mine in the past has been vulnerability, and by feeling encouraged, it made me realize how selfish I had been by not encouraging others. 

The greatest thing I learned and am still learning because of how Jesus is working through Will, is vulnerability. It has been a slow but gradually developing process (like my whistling) to learn how to be vulnerable and feel strong because I am weak. I have learned that I cannot expect complete honesty and vulnerability from others until I too show that I am broken and only filled up and placed back together because of Christ's love. Thank you Will for so much, but especially for showing me how to be honest and weak because that is when I am the strongest.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
"Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2011- Josh Perez

It is honestly pathetic that it has been maybe twenty-four hours since I last saw you, but not seeing you all day left everything a little more cloudy. I met Josh one of my first days in Boone, playing Cranium at a friends apartment where he was forced to be my partner. Poor kid hasn't gotten rid of me since. He was lucky enough to have a class with me, that we either did not attend or talked enough in that I managed to not learn a thing. Little did he know, hanging out with me results in a lot of scheming and moments where you wonder why I am so weird. Josh toughed it out though, and with that became a truly wonderful friend that I have grown to rely on in ways that vary from buying me coffee, to making me a paper tetris game so I could play in class. From listening to my tireless rants about nonsensical things, to sitting three extra inches away on the couch so there is less chance of you accidentally touching me and ergo making me twitch in my sleep. Really though Josh, all that you do does not go unnoticed. 

Josh Perez is truly a gem. His heart is so selfless and so loving, I don't think there is a thing he wouldn't do if I asked him nicely enough. (Except for when he didn't come to Orlando, but we won't get into that.) Josh has an ease about him that makes everybody a little more comfortable and a laugh that lights up the room when he enters. A day without Josh Perez is like a day without the sunshine; doable but nowhere near as fun as it could be. His spirit is so happy and you can't resist a smile in his presence.

I was blessed with the opportunity to spend a few days with his entire family in the Boro, and saw where he gets his love for life from. His family was one of the most encouraging and loving groups of people I have ever been able to witness. They truly love each other so, so much and give you the feeling of comfort and inclusion, no matter who you are or how long they've known you. It was an incredible blessing to spend time with them and get a feel for why Josh is so wonderful.

My favorite thing about Josh was hard to pick. He has influenced me in so many ways and I am so thankful for his friendship, but the thing that stands out to me the most is his acceptance of people regardless of who they are. He loves without concern for who the person is, where they are from or what they do with their life; he loves because he was loved first. His love is inspiring and fresh, it's beautiful to see a man who desires the Lord and because of that, can love unconditionally. I am lucky to know him and have his friendship as an influence in my life. You are incredible Josh and I hope you know how much I appreciate you. I love you forever Ydna.

Ephesians 4:32
"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011- Mary Hartnett

As most of you know, when I decided to go greek, the world stopped spinning. Not really, but there were hundreds of dropped jaws across the world. Bid day, when I chose the best sorority(go KD!) we were given our set leaders and mine happened to be none other, then then beautiful Mary Hartnett. I have come to find that God places people on my heart that I am drawn to for no specific reason, but feel as though I am being called to get to know them. Mary was one of those people. 

We rode down the mountain for our bid day adventure of laser tag and bumper cars, and on the way back I got to ride up front and chat with Mary for a while. Nothing but small talk and get to know each other questions came up but when she dropped me off, I was still eager to know her better. Our first mixer, Mary brought one of those horse's that have sticks for a body and(of course) named it Harry Potter. Her laughter and pure, simplistic joy brightened my spirit and made me feel comfortable in a place I never dreamed I would be. Mary and I got coffee a few days later and I got to hear about her life; the things that make her heart smile, fill her head, consume her days and make her tick. From that point on I knew God had incredible plans for our friendship. He has taught me so many lessons through her and she probably has no idea how comforting she is for me.

The greatest thing I have learned from Mary, is to care for people. That sounds incredible broad, but Mary has a way of cheering me up when I need it the most and making me feel loved when i'm having a tough day. She goes out of her way to help others and would be there for me in the blink of an eye if I asked her to be. May's heart is so beautiful and I am so blessed to have her in my life, teaching me more every time I see her!! Thank you for being a friend to me Mary, I love you forever. 

Romans 12:9-10
"Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other."

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011-Sallie Gurganus

First and foremost, Happy Birthday Sal Pal!! We have come a long way since your birthday in Orlando...

Sallie and I met and were instantly friends. Not the kind of friends though that we are today, our relationship was shallow and surface level. Sallie had the same heart she still has today though, it reaches out to the seemingly unreachable and longs to help those who desperately need it. Her spirit inspires everyone around her and she has a way of making you feel on her level regardless of age or walk in faith. We have a constant joke about our friendship because we couldn't be more different from each other! Sallie's need for structure and neatness in life is unbelievably contradictory to my need for spontaneity and mess, but we have come to learn how beautiful it is that our one common factor keeps us close. Jesus is the only thing we seem to have in common, and that is truly all we need. She laughs and my lifestyle and I don't think I will ever understand hers, but having Christ in the center of our relationship has taught me so much about how to be a true friend.

The greatest thing I have learned from Sallie, is the thing I tease her about the most. Sallie is drawn to brokenness. Brokenness in relationships between others and brokenness in the hearts of people around her. She has a gift of relating to those who need a friend, or even just offering an ear to listen because nobody else ever has. Sallie's heart is so pure and so beautiful, I am blessed to have her as a friend. No matter how far apart we are, or how different we will grow to be, I know I will always be able to rely on the friend I have in her. Thank you for being there Sallie, I love you forever.

Ephesians 4:2
"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9, 2011- Zach Hoffman

It's funny the people God places on your heart. Today's was unexpected, but such a blessing to be able to pray and think about what this person means to me. A month ago, if you asked me who Zach Hoffman was, all I would be able to tell you is that he is Jordan Howell's roommate. Today I got to think about pray for who Zach Hoffman really is. The Zach that is debatably the best dancer I have ever seen and looks more put together on a bad day then I do on a good one(but lets be honest, it's not that hard to.) The Zach I got to know today is a Zach that I am excited to get to know better.

This morning, a beautiful group of people came over to "The APT." and we had house church. We began to pray for each other, and ask the harder questions. We began to dig deep and find out what was on each other's hearts. Zach had the ability to sugar coat his burdens, struggles and oppression; he had the opportunity to brush off the question entirely and sit in silence. He didn't though. He had the boldness, and the courage to speak up and be vulnerable with his brothers and sisters in Christ. Those of you who know me a lot or a little all know that I have trouble with vulnerability, and to see Zach in a complete state of it, trusting that God would be glorified through it was incredible.

Zach you are the first of these entries to effect me the greatest, the same day I write about you. I know God has placed us in each other's lives for a reason and I could not be more excited to see what that reason is. Thank you for sharing your heart and helping me understand how beautiful vulnerability can be. 

Ephesians 4:25
"So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body."

(no picture of us together, but you know how much I love this one!)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8, 2011- Haley Fulford

Haley Elizabeth Fulford. I don't think I could hear that name and not smile. I met Haley when I was fifteen at camp Merri-Mac and all I could have told you about her up until last semester is that she earned her gold with both hands in tennis (as I ran laps around the court for hitting tennis balls at the boys), that she lived in BFE, GA (aka Albany) and that she was chief of the worst tribe ever, Iroquois. Haley was just another face in the sea of camp faces I couldn't quite remember. Hales, however, was introduced to me this past semester. Hales smooshes every food substance known to man on the front of her teeth, puts on a mean "single ladies" dance show in little red every night before we go to bed, and shops for shoes more than I drink coffee. Hales is a bundle of pure joy and it cracks me up!

Hales has a way of making everyone in the room smile. Her silly domineer creates a feel of comfort everywhere she goes and her laugh is contagious to all who hear it. No one else can quite make my stomach ache with post laughing pains the way she can, put up with me sleeping in their bed every night or borrowing the amount of clothing articles I do from her. Hales' selflessness is so evident and truly a blessing to all that she comes in contact with. Her spirit for life is a beautiful thing to witness first hand; I am so lucky to have a God that loves me enough to put a friend like her in my life.

The most wonderful two-cents I have taken away from Hales is to embrace your childish ways and never be afraid to have a blast. Her confidence in who she is, inspires me to always remember who I am and not be afraid to show the world that. Thank you Hales for never ceasing to amaze me with your selflessly beautiful heart. Remember always how stunning you are and how precious you are to Christ. You are an incredible blessing to me and I will love you forever.

Psalm 139:14-16
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011- Cece Owens

Aunt Cece. Who would have thought the fifteen year old that caused such trouble with your daughter would be writing about how much you have impacted my life? I can remember the days where PG-13 movies were unacceptable in your age seventeen and when I would beg Hayley to drive us somewhere for dinner because all that was in your house was leftover meatloaf and low fat EVERYTHING. I remember sticking a bar of soap in my mouth  for saying "stupid" and losing my life's savings to the "sarcasm jar." I remember when you bought french vanilla creamer and icing, aka the day I started eating at your house! But most importantly, I remember your selfless, and compassionate way of loving me.

I look to your wisdom so much because I know it is completely of the Lord. You have a beautiful way of relating to people because of how you ask questions and how often you go out of your way simply because you love someone. I have loved how our relationship has grown over the last few years, and how you aren't at all afraid to have fun! Your adventurous spirit to live life simply because it is a gift from God is hysterical to watch and be a part of! It has been incredible to just experience life together with you, from tetherball matches to Quelf, to backyard baseball. From reading the word to living it out. From eating icing by the spoonful to drinking coffee out of mugs that will never quite go together. From praying for each other to praying together. You are an unbelievable daughter of Jesus and I am inspired by you daily.

Thank you for all that you have given to me from your wisdom, to your children who have changed my life immensely because of how God raised them through you. I so appreciate all that you have done for me and I love you forever.

1 Peter 3:8
"Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6, 2011- Chelsea Dougherty

CHELS! If I had a penny for every time either LinLan or I said that this past summer, I might be able to buy a coffee. Chelsea and I grew up going to the wonderful Camp Merri-Mac together but never really got to know each other as campers. This may have had to do with the fact that Chels has always been the MOST caring, MOST loving and MOST selfless woman I have ever known, and at the ages of 14-16 I was the COMPLETE opposite. Regardless, Jesus had a much bigger plan for us and in the time that I did get close with Chels, Jesus was the complete center of our friendship and I am eternally grateful for that.

The majority of our days together were spent doing one of these three things: eating candy from the bitter box in the Moonmist counselor section, dancing with unbelievably wonderful thirteen year old girls, or sharing the life of Jesus with our campers and with each other. The endless nights that we stayed up to hear  how the other's heart was doing or just laugh at the awkward years we both went through meant so much more to me then she might realize. Chels asked every question in the book in the most loving and encouraging way I have ever encountered. She had a way of caring without words, or touch(even though I loved her words and hugs!) and she would listen for hours as I rambled on about life. Chelsea's way of loving is so beautiful to see and be a part of. Her heart is incredible and I cannot wait to see the woman she will become in Christ. Chels taught me that just being there for someone is often the best way to start a relationship and that when you care for someone, they should be a priority to you.

Chels I am so blessed to know you and to have your friendship. It truly means the world to me to know that wherever I go and whatever decisions I make, you will always be there to listen, laugh and love while we eat candy and dance around in pajamas. Jesus has created a bond between us that will never be broken by distance, time or other people and I couldn't be more grateful for that. I love you forever Chels.

Proverbs 18:24
"There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer then a brother."