Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28, 2011- Rachel Jordan

Ray Jay, my sweet baby Cha-Cha chief, I dearly miss your presence in my life. I guess our friendship starts back in dreams when I told you all about eighth-grader and we bonded over the love of the good 'ole red and gray. We really got close the following summer and years that came afterwards, when we got to lead the tribe to victory of the coveted banner with song, dance, red hats, 10's and banner drills. You are one of the few who will ever understand exactly how much that moment meant to all of us and how close we grew to each other because of love for our common ground.

It is crazy to remember sometimes that there is a plan for absolutely everything. You are an incredible example of trust and knowing that perseverance in your relationship with Christ will in time explain everything. Every struggle, loss, and seemingly unnecessary mountain you have to climb will seem so beautiful and perfect because of all that you learned along the way. Ray Jay stay strong when it doesn't seem possible and always remember how adored you are by your creator. Continue to seek out the joy in every situation and know that Christ is always on your side. I love you forever.

James 1:2-4
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 27, 2011- Patrick Kelly

Patrick Elizabeth Jesus Daniel David Kelly, I am shocked I can still remember that in its entirety. My wonderful Patty, I do miss you dearly. From the first time I met you in Ms. Roberts seventh grade english class, I knew we would be friends and I am so thankful we stayed friends through our ups and downs of high school. 

Pat is one of those guys who you will instantly fall in love with. He has the type of personality that you don't want to be away from and can't help but adore. He is caring and selfless without even realizing it sometimes, and will do anything you ask of him. He sees past exterior and looks straight at your heart. Pat has a beautiful gift of loving others for exactly who God created them to be, and never focuses on how worldly pretty or "cool" they are. He never passes judgement on people or forgets details of your life. He remembers people, places and moments that are important factors into a person's life and he loves regardless of how many awful situations you have gotten yourself into. My sweet, sweet Patty, know that I miss you serenading me to sleep with the lyrics of Taylor Swift and your goofy personality that I never cease to have the time of my life with. I love you forever.

Romans 12:15
"Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep."

February 26, 2011- Bailey DeCresie

Bayy, I don't know if I will ever be able to spell your name with one "y." Hope you don't mind eighth grade AIM language carrying over into the rest of your life! Bayy and I's first meeting is one I will never live down, and I'm sure if you are reading this, you have already heard it! Just for the record though Bayy, if that situation ever arises again, know that you can have the seat right next to me and I won't ditch you for Patrick.

If you don't know or have at least heard of Bailey DeCresie, I am shocked. If you haven't met her though, it's probably due to the fact that she is busy saving an endangered species, working on her ad campaigns for presidency of the USA or modeling for Vogue. She is truly the most "go-getter" of people I have ever known and her organization gives Office Max a run for it's money. One of the coolest things about Bayy though, is her appreciation for her friends. She is caring and intentional in her relationships with others, and her loyalty to her friends is something that amazes me. She would stand up for anyone she loved and fight until she won. And trust me, she would win. Bayy, thank you so much for always being a friend to me even when I wasn't one to you. Thank you for forgiving easily and loving always. I love you forever.

Ephesians 4:32
"Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 25, 2011- Ben Burnley

Oh Ben, I guess our story begins way back in seventh grade Sunday school when my mom was sure we would get married and you wore a clip-on tie. It's funny to look at how much we both have changed, but it's even funnier to look at you now and know that you would probably still wear a clip-on tie if you had one...

Ben is one of the most genuinely kind people I have ever known. Not just in the polite, "holding the door open" sense but in the sense that I know I am truly cared about. Everything Ben does has well thought out reasoning behind it. We joke about how over thinking gets him into trouble, whereas my trouble often comes from not thinking enough. I think though that his over thinking makes him much more attentive and appreciative for who people truly are. He listens when you talk and remembers when you tell him something, regardless of it's importance. Ben, I don't know how you managed to put up with me through high school, but  am so thankful that you never gave up on me. Never think that your love for others goes unnoticed, and never forget that the most important relationship you could have, you are already in. Thank you for being such an encouraging friend, I love you forever.

2 Thessalonians 3:5
"May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ."

P.S. Thank you for my package, sorry I am awful at time management and haven't written you back! Be expecting a letter within the next year or so.

Friday, February 25, 2011

February 24, 2011- Bailey Weed

Bailey, Bailey, Bailey. I can remember when you were merely my best friend's little sister who had pink hair; funny how things change. I can't remember when our transitions from acquaintances to friends happened, but I am so thankful it did. Bailey is the kind of girl who has a heart that is entirely too big for her own good. She will do anything for anyone without hesitation and would never even dream of giving up on someone. You can't help but have a smile on your face when she is around because of how joyful she is in every situation, and the encouraging words she constantly gives are limitless and incredible. 

Bailey you have a gift that many overlook, but know that the love and selflessness you radiate with will never go unnoticed by me. I cannot imagine the patience you have acquired from listening and truly just being there for all of your friends and family. Know that so many look to you as an inspiration and role model because of how beautiful your spirit is. You are an unbelievable girl Bailey and I am so thankful that I have had the pleasure of watching your grow in your faith and your walk with Christ. Stay strong and confident in who you are, and never forget how much you are adored by Jesus. I love you forever.

Philippians 2:4
"Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."

February 23, 2011-Anna Herring

Sweet, sweet Anna Herring, I have truly loved you from the moment we really talked. From our first day at camp, unpacking all of the archery equipment, I knew that you were a girl that I wanted to get to know. You were so dang excited about absolutely everything going on and I loved your spirit for life and how on fire you were for Christ. As we journeyed on through a summer of laughs, nicknames, encouragement, tears and celebrations with each other, the Lord made it so evident that we wouldn't just be friends for the summer, and that He had big plans for our walk together.

In case you haven't met her, Anna Herring is hilarious. She has these moments and one-liner's that I will never be able to not laugh when I recount them. From our first day off together of eating popcorn and watching Lost, to our worship sessions in archery between classes, I will never forget the sheer joy that radiated off of her. Anna, thank you for being such an encouraging influence in my life. Thank you for sharing Christ's love with everyone you came in contact with, merely because He loved you first. I cannot imagine next summer without you, but know that I am continually praying for you and your sanity if you are lucky enough to be a Tweedle counselor again!! I love you forever Miko.

Philippians 1:3-6
"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 22, 2011- Melissa Mage

If you have the chance to be in this incredible daughter of Christ's presence, please do so. Melissa Mage is one of the most encouraging and supportive people I have ever had the joy of knowing, and I am so thankful for her sweet spirit. She always makes me feel as though I am worth her time and loves to rejoice in my victories and never hesitates to mourn in my loss with me. Melissa has one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard and sends all of the credit to her creator with grace and humility that is inspiring to see. 

One of the greatest impacts Melissa has had on my life is one she may not know about. One of the words I always connect with her is, "freedom" which quickly became one that intrigued me to the point of research into what freedom really is. I am still in that process, of seeking and discovering what it means for me and for every other human in this world to truly be free. Melissa, I am so thankful for your presence in my life and I have loved hearing about and watching the incredible journey the Lord has you on. I love you forever.

Song of Solomon
"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 21, 2011- Laura Gordon

From the moment I met Laura, I knew life would never be dull when she was around. Her enthusiasm for everything she did and everyone she met was overwhelming to say the least! Her spirit was unlike any other and the joy she sought out in every situation was beautiful to see. She wasn't afraid to be exactly who God made her to be, and loved to do ridiculous things with me that nobody else would. Laura and I had the kind of relationship that many people at camp do, you have fun together but you aren't completely invested in each other's lives. 

It wasn't until after camp that I got to have real conversation with Laura that changed my view on our relationship entirely. We discovered that we had a lot more in common then we realized at camp and talking to her helped me to grow and learn from my own mistakes in ways I didn't think were possible. Laura, thank you so much for sharing your honesty and fresh joy for life with me. I miss your smile that never ceased to light up my day, and your silly comments that I couldn't help but bust out laughing at! You are incredible Laura and I pray that you will never be blind towards the love Christ has for you. I love you forever.

Isaiah 29:19
"The humble will be filled with fresh joy from the Lord. The poor will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel."

Monday, February 21, 2011

February 20, 2011- Corbin Aiken

Corbs, my only fellow Choctaw amongst a slew of Iroquois and Seminoles at ever camp get-together that goes down, I do appreciate you holding true to the red and gray with me! I always think it is funny when God decided to place people on your heart and when you get close with people. Corbin and I have been in the same place for 2 summers now and I feel as though I have gotten to know her better post camp this year then I ever did when we were a few feet away from each other. I'm certainly not complaining though because I couldn't be more thankful that I have gotten to know her heart and her relationship with the Lord a little better.

Corbin is unbelievable. I am not kidding at all when I say that she is one of the coolest people I have ever had the joy of getting to know. She speaks such wisdom and inspires such incredible conversation wherever she is, whomever she is with. Her heart is dedicated and beating strong for the one who loves her most and it is a beautiful relationship to get to see. She is such a beautiful light for Christ and truly lets Him shine through her every minute of every day. The thing I have taken away most from the little time I have been close to her is to always be honest with yourself. It is so easy to put on a front for everyone around so we don't have to deal with the bigger issues that we internally struggle with, but it only causes more pain. Corbs, thank so much for your constant encouragement and challenging me to deal with the hard things so that I can grow to be closer with Christ. I love you forever.

1 Peter 4:12-13
"Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world."

February 19, 2011- Brittany Gibson

Gibby, my beautiful Bella Swan, I miss cleaning the bathrooms at the Attic Door with you dearly!! Gibby and I met back in second grade when we had class with Mrs. Ruhle as our teacher, and immediately bonded, most likely over the fact that we both had blonde hair and moms that were way to involved at our elementary school. Regardless, we got to be good friends recently when we worked together and bonded over our love for the beach and our incredible savior. 

Gibby is the kind of girl you are initially drawn to because of her welcoming smile and funny personality. You keep hanging out with her though because of how ridiculous she is and how many laughs you share in her presence! I cannot recall a memory with her that doesn't involve a random Saturday morning activity, sipping on a latte, flannel, or a twilight reference. She has one of the sweetest hearts you will ever meet and she isn't afraid to tell others exactly how she feels about something or even more funny, someone. I love her honesty and the compassion she has for the world. Gibby has sure made an impact on the way I look at others, and has encouraged me in the way I live life. She never lets me take the easy way out of things because she knows what is right and she reminds me that I know it too. I hate that we don't get to eat crackers, write silly post-it notes about people and win fish from fairs together anymore, but I love to see and hear about the incredible things she is doing with her life. Gibby, stay true to the woman God has made you to be and never forget how adored you are. I love you forever.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 18, 2011- Sam Linhart

Samantha Leanne Linhart. Our story backs up all the way to camp when I was fifteen and you were sixteen and we both had HUGE friend-crushes on each other. Our friendship has had it's peaks and valleys but I know that I will always love you and that you will always love me. We laughed, sang, drove around, bought unnecessary amounts of food and loved each other so, so much and I wouldn't trade one of our joyous moments and adventures for anything. 

This blog entry might not make sense to anyone else, but I know it will to Sam. Sometimes people relate to each other in ways that nobody understands, and that is one of the coolest things about my relationship with her. Nobody will ever understand it, but I will love you forever Samantha.

"Come on, take a step towards me
So you can figure me out
I've been hoping and praying for a single way
To show you what I'm all about
And I know, and I know this is the only way of pleasing the crowds
But when this is over and done with and we walk away
There should be no doubts

So let's get a little closer now
Let's get a little closer now

You say, you say that we're all tied up 
And wrapped around in useless, states of mind
But at the same time we're still young
We have the time to realize that we were wrong

Come on love run with me
Get the hell out of this town
So we can get a better feel for each other
I'll take you, back to, when you
Remembered how you used to
Just live your life a little for me
Take the time to let it go
Step away and watch me grow

So let's get a little closer now
Let's get a little closer now

You say, you say that we're all tied up 
And wrapped around in useless, states of mind
But at the same time we're still young
We have the time to realize that we were wrong

You can stay if you want to
And I write to you and tell you how you've always been so special to me
You can stay if you want to, and I’ll try
You can stay if you want to
And I write to you and tell you how you've always been so special to me
You can stay if you want to, and I’ll try

To keep you close to me

You say, you say that we're all tied up 
And wrapped around in useless, states of mind
But at the same time we're still young
We have the time to realize that we were wrong"

-The Scene Aesthetic 

John 15:13
"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends"

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 17, 2011- Alex Litz

Well, we've certainly come a long way since threw a dead fish at you...

Alex, you are one of a kind. I think I'll skim over our friendship from sophomore year because it doesn't even compare to the kind of relationship we established senior year. I'm pretty sure you have always thought I was absurdly strange and that nothing I do makes sense, but then again, I wouldn't necessarily peg you as normal either. 

Spring break my senior year of high school, Alex and I went on a trip with a group of our friends to Tennessee for a few days. It was one of the mist beautifully vulnerable weekends I have ever been a part of, filled with incredible stories, quiet time in the word, worship and conversation. Alex and I got to have a great chat on the way back from a rafting trip about a large range of topics that sparked an incredible friendship. He has such a strong hold on his relationship with Christ and is such a bold believer in his faith. I am constantly encouraged by the courage and bravery he has, and the ability to carry on when life is tough. The thing I have learned most from Alex is to never be afraid of standing up for what I believe. It is a beautiful thing to see in him and I am inspired by his boldness. Alex, thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. Stay strong in who you are in Christ and never forget how adored you are by Him. I love you forever.

Jeremiah 1:8
"And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!"

February 16, 2011- Gavin

You would have been twenty-one today, happy birthday. It has been almost two years since you fulfilled your purpose here on earth, and some days it still feels like you are just not returning my phone calls. I know you are celebrating in a better place though, and I know you are still checking up on me.

Gavin was the first boy I ever came close to loving. I lived for the phone calls in between classes and the t-shirts that I managed to steal and hope that the smell of him wouldn't fade from. Everything about the relationship we had was bittersweet. Knowing that I was who he thought about before he went to bed was wonderful, but the fact that he was sleeping 650 miles away wasn't. When I got the phone call that you were not going to be calling me anymore from your brother, it was surreal to say the least. I was so lucky to have recently discovered the love of Christ for me prior to the accident, and have the knowledge and trust that it was all for a reason.

Gavin you taught me everything from how to solve math problems to how to be a better friend. You taught me how to hide under the covers at night when I would talk on the phone so the light wouldn't shine under the crack of my door and you taught me to love who I was created to be. The best thing you taught me though was something you didn't do directly. Christ taught me, through you, how beautiful grace is. He taught me that there is a plan for absolutely everything and everyone and our plan isn't always the right one. Gavin thank you for being a light for Him and letting Christ truly teach me so many lessons through you. I miss you and I will love you forever.

Isaiah 55:8-9
"“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord“And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 15, 2011- Leigh Martin

Sweet, sweet Leigh, you my dear are unbelievable. Leigh is yet another incredible person I met up in the blue ridge mountains of North Carolina and was truly impacted by. Leigh has a spirit that is contagious and  on fire for the Lord which is a beautiful thing to see in a girl her age. She has no restraints on being who God created her to be and she is fearless in her love for others. Her love has no boundaries and she is never too cool to have a blast with six and seven year olds!

The greatest thing about Leigh is how freely she lives. Leigh truly has no inhibition and it is an incredible beautiful thing to see a girl with such confidence in the person God molded her into. She will absolutely brighten your day, regardless of the mood you are in and will encourage you in things you didn't know about yourself. Leigh, continue to stay true to who you are in Christ and ever forget how perfectly sculpted you are in the Lord's image. I love you forever.

Proverbs 3:26
"for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 14, 2011- Lisa Meadows

Also known as my second mother, Mrs. Lisa never ceased to amaze me with her wisdom and love that was solely from the Lord. When I was caught in between my, "rebel without a cause" phase and my current one, she was there to encourage my desire to know the Lord more and never hesitated to help me out when I needed a place to sleep or a job at the wonderful Attic. I was lucky enough to get to know her not only as a role model but a friend who challenged me to strive for more then I thought I could.

Mrs. Lisa isn't the kind of woman to sit back and watch you walk all over her, she is a go-getter. She will not take, "no" for an answer if it isn't the answer she wants and she will never hesitate to tell you you're wrong if you are. If you are in trouble, she will never think twice about helping you out however she can, and if you ask her opinion, she will absolutely give it to you. She has more spunk and fire inside her then anyone I have ever met and the fact that she channels that fire to worship her creator is incredible. I love her teenage stories of how she hooked Gene and her early mothering stories of Kaitlin and Brenton. The amount of energy and excitement she has is untouchable and the love she has for her friends, family and the Lord is even more beautiful to witness. 

I have learned more then I can remember from that woman but of all things, I have taken away the ability to stand up for myself the most. There are times to listen and times to speak-up, and although that is a fine line sometimes, Mrs. Lisa has taught me never to hold back or sugar coat how I truly feel about something. Thank you for always having an encouraging word, an ear to listen, and the courage to never hold back the wisdom Jesus has blessed you with. You will always be my second mom and know that I will never forget all that you have done for me. I love you forever.

Ephesians 6:10-17
"A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

February 13, 2011- Lauren Fulford

Baby Kate. You knew the day would come that a post went up on you. Baby Kate and I met through her big sis Hales when we took a trip down to good 'ole Albany, GA and I decided that BK and I were going to be fast friends. Behind all those sarcastic comments and sassy one-liners, I saw a girl who oddly reminded me of myself. A girl who hid behind the fact that she was funny enough and sarcastic enough to not deal with letting people in. A girl who lived every moment with hopes of no regrets simply because I didn't want to feel guilty about the things I had done. A girl who had a lot of fun and a lot of life experience but couldn't wait to get out.

When I first met Baby Kate, I was prepared to break through any hard shell and tear down any wall I had to just to build any sort of relationship with her. I mention sometimes about people that God has placed on my heart and she is truly one of them. She is never out of jokes to crack and every now and then, she will do something so selfless you know she must love you. BK is an incredible friend with an incredible spirit about her. She has the fire in her that could burn down a city and is so passionate about the things and people she loves.

BK, watching you truly is like watching a little me sometimes. You have such an incredible opportunity to change people's lives because of the influence you have on those closest to you and I cannot wait to see what God's plan has in store for you. Growing closer to you has taught me how important it is to let other's in because it is impossible to love without also being loved. Baby Kate stay strong in who you are in Christ and never be afraid to let others in. It is a scary thing to let people get to know the true you, but you are an incredible person bk, and I hope that you will let others see how wonderful you are. Never forget how much Jesus adores you, and how badly He desires a relationship with you. Thank you for being such a great friend to me, I love you forever.

Isaiah 43:1-3
"But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up;  the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom; I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 12, 2011- Phyllis Boston

Mrs. Boston and I met my sophmore year when every single one of my close friends seemed to be cheerleaders. She was the queen bee, the coach that all feared until they got to know, and honestly, I was a little intimidated myself. My junior year, Jordan, Angel, Jamie, Nicole, Ashley and I started what soon became the lunch crew with Mrs. Boston. We would go straight to her office after third period and stay there until fifth. We would take turns bringing each other Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, and left over Tijuana Flats while we caught up on the latest gossip with each other. Looking back on those days, I can only remember select stories, Mrs. Boston's drink order and how much I looked forward to that hour and a half in my school day.

It wasn't until my senior year of high school that I truly got to experience the wisdom and generosity the Lord showed me through Mrs. Boston. Every conversation we had was filled with such depth and left me feeling as though I was truly cared for by her. Between sips of coffee we would share life stories, bible verses that we had fallen in love with, or just people and things on our hearts. It was one of the most encouraging relationships I had ever been in with an adult and it taught me how to hold conversation, take advice and care about other people. Mrs. Boston, thank you for teaching me so much about life. Thank you for showing me how important people are and how imperitive relationships with people are to make and keep over time. I pray for you constantly, and I love you forever.

James 3:17
"But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 11, 2011- Croy Bosch

CRATE! Craderade, crate of eggs, Crateface, or whatever else comes to mind at the moment, is an incredible man. I met Crate when I was seventeen and on an entirely different path for my life, one that had little concern for others and no concern for who Jesus was or what He had done for me. From Saturday morning committee escapades to coffee instead of going to class, Jesus slowly revealed Himself to me through Croy and I don't think I will ever be able to express my gratitude enough to him for that. 

Crate is the kind of guy you instantly want to be friends with. He has this spirit that is on fire for Christ and nothing seems to stop that. His heart for others is unbelievable to see in action and his encouragement for the people around him is bound to make your day. Crate's got this way of listening intently and making you feel like you are truly worth his time. He had such hope in me and it was a unique and refreshing feeling to be encouraged in who I was in the Lord and in the gifts He had given me. The simple act of spending time with me and being a friend to someone who didn't understand what it meant to truly be a friend was all it took for me see something different in him. He never gave up on me and never judged the way I had lived my life prior to knowing my Savior. 

The greatest lesson I learned from Crate is to truly share Christ's love with others, you have to take the time to be their friend. Everything that Croy said, did or shared with me, made me question why he did them. The kindness was unlike anything I had ever known before and I was captivated by what motivated him to be that way. He taught me how important it is to glorify the Lord in all that you do and how important it is to never give up on others. Crate, thank you for being a friend to me and for allowing Christ to shine through you in every facet of your life. You are an incredible man of Christ and I cannot wait to hear, see and possibly read about the man you become. I love you forever.

Psalm 19:14
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."

February 10, 2011- Anna Grace Owens

Dear Lord where to begin? I knew the day would come that I had to write about her but I have been putting it off as long as I could because of how long I know this is bound to take. Anna Grace Owens, for those of you who don't know, is my wonderful baby cousin. Honestly, she isn't a baby anymore, she is fifteen going on sixteen in May, but she will forever be a baby to me. From the moment I met Anna, I was captivated. Her sweet, sweet smile and loving eyes drew me in and I can't imagine what life would be like without her around. 

Anna is, in a word, unbelievable. Her heart is the purest of anyone I have known and the sheer joy she finds in everyone and every situation around her amazes me constantly. When nobody else seems to understand, she does. When the world lets you down, she is there to remind you of the hope in humanity. Anna has a way of loving others that means more to me then I will ever be able to explain in words, and the excitement in her face when I walk in the room makes my heart feel on the verge of explosion it is so happy. Nobody can make my day quite the way she can, and no spirit will lift me up more then hers. 

Truly, there is no way for me to pick a lesson that I have learned from Anna that has meant the most because every lesson is incomparably important. She has taught me how to love, how to have hope when it seems impossible to come across, how to laugh at my mistakes and how to live life to it's fullest extent simply because I have the opportunity to. She reminds me how much my creator adores me and how beautiful and perfect His love is for me. Anna reminds me to be true to who I am but never to be afraid of growing into the woman the Lord intends for me to be. Anna Grace, you amaze me. Every day that passes I pray for the joy and life that God has placed in you to bless others the way it has blessed me. Thank you for continually being a light for Jesus and letting Him shine through every action, word and thought you have. I love you forever Kid.

Matthew 18:10
"Beware that you don’t look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father."

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 9, 2011- Jamie Powell

My beautiful daughter, I am so, so sad I never get to see you anymore. James and I got to know each other our Sunnyside year, when we joined an exclusive club that few know about. I'm pretty sure she hated me because at age sixteen, I was everything but calm. Luckily we both came back to work at camp the next summer and bonded over bitterness and mutual love for Seanpond. 

When friends ask me about Jamie, I truly have no idea how to describe her. It typically starts with an, "I ADORE her but she will probably hate you." If you know James at all, congratulations! She has one of the greatest personalities I know but it takes a little while for her to bring it out. She loves cats, Catz, everything trendy, Jill Giornelli, and sometimes me. In a few words, I would describe her as a goddess, a gem or RRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUDEEEEEE! Okay, enough of all that, Jamie has an incredible heart that I have failed to mention yet. Jamie has a way of loving people that is so unique and when you get close enough to her, it is an incredible thing to be around. When she cares for someone, she devotes all of herself to them and never gives up on the type of person she knows they can be. 

The most memorable lesson I have learned from Jamie is to never give up on people. She has a deep level of love for people that I am inspired by, and when she truly cares for someone she will encourage them in all the do. James, I miss you and all of your sass dearly. You are an incredible daughter, not just of mine but for the Lord's too. Never forget that in order to love people, you sometimes need to let them love you too. I love you forever.

1 Thessalonians 5:11
"So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 8, 2011- Meredith Wilson

Oh Figgy, I wondered when the day would come around that I was challenged to write about you. Mere and I met this past summer when we worked together and got to be co-counselors for the greatest campers in the world. Moonmist4lyfe. Meredith was quite and being the nosey and scheming co-counselor that I was, I would come up with subtle ways to get her to open up and fill me in on all of her dirty, little secrets. (AKA if she and Will Andrews had something going on.) The first night we had our campers dance for us was the night that we first really clicked though; through tears of laughter and painful dance moves(on her end of course, pop, lock and drop it can be dangerous when a trunk is involved) we quickly bonded.

Poor Fig now has to deal with me everyday seeing as how we somewhat live together now, but I am so blessed though to be around such an incredible light for Jesus all the time. Meredith is so strong in who the Lord has made her to be. She isn't afraid to call you out when you are wrong, but never judges you if you tell her the truth. She has a heart that is bigger then most people's I know and her love for the Lord is unbelievable to see and be around. Mere is always interested in how you are doing, and isn't afraid to not sugar coat how she is doing. She challenges me to be in the word and loves me regardless of my actions and mistakes.  

I have learned a lot from being in the presence of Mere over the last few months. The most influential though, is her truthfulness. Her honesty challenges me to be vulnerable right back and to never hold things in because I think they are too ugly to be forgiven and loved. She is always open and willing to share how she is doing, because in that, relationships are built and encouragement sprouts up from people and in situations you never thought possible. Fig I am so lucky to know such an incredible woman of God. Never forget how adored you are and how beautifully crafted you are made by your creator. Thank you for your constant wisdom, encouragement and love. I love you forever.

Micha 6:8
"No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

February 7, 2011- James Louis Miller Jr.

Jamesalicious. Well I guess our story begins roughly nineteen and a half years ago when I decided to be your sister. From all the stories of our childhood, as much as I wanted to be you, you wanted nothing to do with me. I dressed up like a pirate all the time, you pushed a Christmas tree on me. I made up Pokemon characters with you and you wrapped me up and tried to give me away. It was kind of a love/hate relationship in which I did all of the loving and you did all of the hating. 

Luckily for me, I never stopped wanting to be a lot like you, and you finally stopped hating me so much. In between all of our pithy fights and arguments over different ways of approaching situations, our relationship grew in the Lord and I grew to love you more. James is one of those people who you cant help but remember after meeting him. He will either quick attack you with sarcastic comments or witty jokes and proceed to talk your ear off while you are with him, but you definitely wont forget him. He will argue for his point until you get tired of hearing about it so you forfeit, and he will blow your mind with philosophical theories that he probably made up just to see if you could keep up with him. If you wear anything too "trendy" you will never hear the end of it, and if all you have is diet drinks and low-fat foods, he isn't coming over.

The thing I have learned most from James is persistence. If he believes in someone or something, he will never give up on them or it. He looks for the absolute best in people and fights for them because of the good inside them even if others cannot see it. James will never give up, but if he is wrong he is never too proud to apologize. I am blessed to have such an incredible big brother that I know will always think I am ridiculous, weird beyond reason, impulsive and stubborn, but I also know I have a brother who will always love me and never give up on the woman I am becoming. Jamealicious, thanks for being there when I need you the most and for staying true to who you are because God designed you that way. Thank you for never giving up on me and always seeking out the good in my heart when nobody else could see it. I love you forever.

Deuteronomy 31:6
"So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you"

Monday, February 7, 2011

February 6, 2011- Kade Davis

So as many of you readers know, I will not be returning to camp this upcoming summer. It is a decision I truly struggled with and it breaks my heart not to see so many of you grow this summer but the Lord has called me elsewhere and I am working on my listening and obeying skills! I have been calling and emailing a lot of you since I made the decision, and although there are many of you I haven't told personally yet, you are not forgotten!! I am working on calling you all! There is one person though, who I thought of the other day and almost broke down thinking about the fact that I wouldn't be able to see her this summer. That person is one who I don't know how to tell. That person is the beautiful Kade Davis.

Kade Davis is one of two children I would do anything in the world for. She is fearless and daring, she doesn't care what anyone things, but she has the biggest heart I have seen in an eight year old since Anna Grace Owens. Kade and I have a surprising amount in common with each other: we hate to brush our hair, we don't like rules, we communicate the same way, we love each other and we go out of our way to sit next to, be near, or simply walk past each other. Honestly though, Kade is way cooler then I was at her age and probably cooler then I am now. I love the beautifully pure and honest way she loves others and how brightly Jesus shines through her at such a young age. She is so strong and relentless in what she believes and knows to be true. She never gives up and sees the absolute best in everyone around her.

The greatest lesson I have learned from Kade is one that I didn't realize I was learning until recently. Everyone jokes about what I would be like as a mother and how ridiculous my parenting skills would be, but Kade has shown me what a beautiful experience that would be. I have never been one for emotions, but when Kade is happy, sad, scared or anxious, I am too. I have never felt more protective or responsible for anyone or cared more for a child in my life. Kade, if you somehow see this and read it one day, know that I love you and cannot wait to watch you grow in the Lord. You amaze me in all that you do, never forget how much your creator adores you. I love you forever.

1 Timothy 4:12
"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 5, 2011- John Menendez

J Money, I guess I will start this entry off with a thank you:I really do appreciate you always sharing with me! I got the pleasure of meeting John Menendez during staff week of camp two summers ago, and luckily he thought I was cool enough to hang out with, even as a CIT. I didn't truly get to know John until this past summer when I would go hang out with him, his brother and the Andrews boys around the camp fire, but I am so thankful I did.

John has a fire for things he is passionate about that few can touch. When he gets excited something nobody can bring him down, and at camp, this is probably the best quality you could have. Campers want to be him and honestly, so do most counselors. His spirit is untouchable, and his love for others is incredible to see. My favorite thing about John though, is his fire for the Lord. He is never afraid to share Christ's love with others and truly lives a life that glorifies his creator. His understanding for who Jesus is, is beautiful and personal, but never a secret. The boldness of his faith is encouraging and inspiring to be around, and the respect he has for the Lord is wonderful to see in all that he does.

I have taken a lot out of my friendship with John, and as much as we joke about it, one of my favorite things is the fact that he always shares with me! It started out with Reese's Pieces but has now become everything we eat together. I guess it helps that we love the same foods, but it has taught me a sense of selflessness that I have never fully understood before this perpetual joke. Nothing on this earth belongs to me; food, clothing, a home, a car, or any other object of this world is not mine. Constantly sharing food with John reminds me of that, and how selfless I need to be with everything I own. J Money, thank you so much for being such an incredible example of Christ's selflessness. I encourage you to stay strong in who God has created you to be and to never succumb to the ways of this world. I have loved getting to know you better, and of course sharing food with you everywhere we go. Thank you for being such an encouraging brother in Christ, I love you forever.

Philippians 4:8
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

February 4, 2011- Madeline Cristina

Sweet, sweet Maddy, you are absolutely wonderful. I got to know Maddy this past summer when she and Olivia had the same day off as Jordan and I; naturally we did nothing but bop around to coffee shops, the chocolate lounge and an occasional Wendy's drive-thru. We listened to loud music everywhere we drove and laughed as Ty-Ty made odd comments about everything we discussed. Our days off together were some of the best days of camp though and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Maddy is the type of person you just want to be around all the time. She has a silly personality that lures you in and is mature in her conversation with others. Maddy has a beautiful heart for others that few can compare to and Jesus shines through her wherever she goes, in every situation she finds herself in. I love being around such an incredible daughter of God and being blessed by what He puts on her heart to say to others. 

Being around Maddy this summer taught me how important in is to care for others in every way. Not to love a part of them because it is compatible to your personality, but to love every part of them because Christ intricately designed them exactly as He pleased. Maddy, stay strong in Christ. He adores you in every way, don't ever forget how loved you truly are. Thank you for being such a blessing to me this summer, I cannot wait to see where God takes you in life. I love you forever.

Ephesians 2:10
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."