Sunday, July 10, 2011


As many of you may know, my summer is being spent a little differently then the past nine of my life. Instead of the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, the Lord gave me the opportunity to serve Him in a different way. He provided me with the chance to love on a different set of people, on the other side of the world. Needless to say, this experience has been incredible and the people I've met have changed the way I think, perceive and even love. I came to to India to change lives by letting Christ love those around me well, and to share with all that I encountered the hope found in a Savior. The Lord however, changed my heart in the process and I have been changed in ways I cannot begin to explain in words. 

One of the many women who changed my life lived a few steps away from me. She owns a little shop on the beach that she has run since she was eight years old. This woman's name is Leela, and her story is one that I will always carry with me:

In India, women are truly at the bottom of the totem pole. They are viewed as inferior and it is a shame to your family have female children. It is illegal for women to find out the gender of their baby before giving birth because they are likely to have an abortion upon discovering they are carrying a girl. Leela's father passed away days before she was born and all her mother wanted was a boy to carry on the family, obviously when Leela came out it was a huge disappointment. Let's stop and soak that in for a minute. A beautiful daughter of the Lord is placed on this earth and everyone welcoming her into the world already hate her. Leela's mother tried to kill her the second she found out but Jesus stepped in and her uncle took her away before she was suffocated. For the next thirteen years, Leela was verbally and physically abused by her family, particularly her mom. She never experienced love, or the beauty of Christ's comfort because she didn't know who he was and no one around her cared for her. She was married to her cousin and soon became pregnant. She gave birth to Natasha at fifteen, and was immediately hated all over again. A short time later, she gave birth to another girl and her family lost hope in her having any boys. She was beat often by her husband, even during her pregnancies. Leela however, remembered her own childhood and vowed to love her girls with all that she had because no one else would. She is the most incredible mother to those kids and she loves them with ever ounce of her heart. During her next pregnancy, Leela was beat by her husband quite frequently because he expected another girl. One night he came to her store and beat her, left her to find a way home and took her money she had earned that day. Two days later she gave birth to a son, Robbie. Two days after she was brutally beat, and left behind she gave birth. Leela now has four children, three girls and a boy, and she gives them all that she can everyday. She loves without limits because she knows what not having love feels like. I was lucky enough to become great friends with Leela this summer, and share with her stories everyday about this Jesus guy she had heard bits and pieces about. Leela wants to believe. She wants to devote her life to a God that loves and protects her because nobody else will or wants to. Satan's hold on Leela is fear. She fears what will happen to her children and to her if she chooses to believe and tell her husband. She has no doubt he will be furious, and far from understanding or encouragement. Regardless, I pray that you all pray for Leela's salvation. I ask you to pray with shameless persistence that Christ will be strong for her and that I will be able to see her beautiful face in Heaven someday. 

Leela is an unbelievable woman who taught me to love with all that I am. She reminded me that not everyone has love, or has ever experienced it. She encouraged me to be courageous and selfless in my love for others. She taught me to be strong when the world is against me. She taught me to never give up because there will always be someone who needs love and it is the easiest gift I can give. I challenge each of you to love today with all that you are, because you never know when you will meet a Leela. You may never know a person's past, but you can change their future simply by loving them well.

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever."
Revelation 21:4

Thursday, June 2, 2011

India thus far

Many entries are to come of those who have changed my life here but I figured I would share with you all a few pictures of the people and places that have made this trip so beautiful thus far.

This is the view from where I work everyday

This is Prima, one of the women I get to work with every morning.

This is Roni and the stitching teacher. Two days a week they make jewelry that they can then sell in America to make money for themselves. 

Beautiful Netra working on a necklace.

This is one of the boys who comes to children's nutrition.

This beautiful girl waits patiently everyday for us at the bus stop and is always overjoyed to greet us and send us off for the day. She also knows that we carry candy...

This is Leela and her youngest daughter Niesha at her shop on the beach.

This is Nancy(Breanna), Dill(Katie) and I after one of our many sunset swims.

More to come, and many entries upon my arrival home should be expected!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chelsea Parks

Chel Chel!
              I am so fortunate to have met Chelsea last summer. We were co-counselors together, and quite frankly had no idea what we were doing. Chelsea inspired me from the beginning in how she wholly relied on the Lord to instruct and guide us throughout the summer. She showed me that the Lord would use our inadequacies to bring himself glory and that all we needed to do was be open and willing to be used for His name and He would take care of the rest.
            Chels and I bonded pretty quickly over a mutual love and adoration of our campers. The way Chelsea loved our girls through her actions and in such a selfless manner was so encouraging to me. She helped me realize that love is not something that needs to be earned but is something we do because the Lord commands us to. Chelsea has such a beautiful way of loving impartially and selflessly. She always puts the Lord first, others second, and herself last. She has shown me that despite the sometimes tiring and hard work, it is absolutely worth it to follow Jesus with everything you have. She has encouraged me to see the beauty in the Lord’s discipline and in His perfect timing for absolutely everything.
            Chels has encouraged me so much in the way she acts boldly through the passions the Lord has laid on her heart. She inspires me to put my heart into everything I do and to never limit our infinite God. Chelsea’s awe and reverence for the Lord’s sovereignty and faithfulness is so uplifting to experience and hearing how the Lord is moving through her life is always such a joy.
            Chel Chel, I cannot thank you enough for all that you have helped show me about the Lord’s character. I want to encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on eternity and to keep being persistent with people. Never lose hope because the Lord is always faithful and has big plans for you. Always trust in His timing and continue to be a light for the Lord wherever you go.
I love you forever,
            Jor Jor

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” – 2 Corinthians 3:2-3  

Will Andrews

Awnie, Awnie, Awnie... we have come quite a ways since you yelled at me to get off the archery range when I was sixteen, and as much as I loved being remembered that way, I am grateful you gradually have gotten to know a different Kate Miller over the year. Awnie I have had the incredible opportunity to grow to know and love Meredith more this year, and through that I have watched you heart and her's encourage each other in selfless and beautiful ways. One incredible thing about you is that you never let other's opinion effect who the Lord has made you to be. You have an undeniable confidence in who you are in Christ that is so refreshing to be around. You bring out such joy in people's hearts because of your silly playfulness and your ability to love others for who they are.

On our drive back from the Braves game, we started talking about words that described us best and the one I had for you was compassionate. I stand by that word, because your heart truly is one of the most caring I have ever known. If someone needs you, nothing stops you from being there. Your obedience to the Lord's plan for you is so encouraging to see. I have loved watching your journey with Him this year, and I admire that you take the time to listen to His call for you. Never forget how important the gifts are that He has given you and never back away from using them. You are an incredible man of the Lord Will and I am so excited to continue to watch Him mold you. I love you forever Awnie.

Psalm 118:24
"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sarah Dixon

Oh my beautiful Sarah, I cannot express to you in words how dearly I treasure our coffee dates. They are so few and far between but when you tell me stories and encourage me I can truly hear the Lord's voice taking over. You are such an incredible vessel for him to work through and I am constantly encouraged by your wise words and insight on things going on in your life and those around you. Your selfless attitude is beautiful to see in action and your intent listening to God's purpose for you is a constant reminder for me to never get to comfortable.

Today you said something that brought me back to the beautiful realization that I should never be too content to leave if He tells me to. Your fear of settling caught me off guard and your comment about adjusting to wherever you are really hit my heart. It reminded me of how passionate I was to listen to the Lord's plan for me and because I am stuck in a routine, I often quit listening and just obey the rules of society as opposed to the ones He has set for me. Thank you for calling me out even if you didn't intend to, and thank you for always letting Jesus shine through you. I am so excited for your summer and all that will bring. Continue to rejoice in all of the Lord's victories in your life and others, and never lose sight of His calling for you! I love you forever.

Psalm 119:34
"Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Squiggs Hood

    I was completely unaware of the many blessings the Lord would pour out on me when I started college almost a year ago. I could probably list a hundred, but Lauren Hood’s unconditional love and continual desire for me to seek out the Lord has been one of the greatest undeserved gifts. When I first found out that she was to be one of my bible study leaders for the year  I was a little apprehensive and I wasn’t sure why. Now I know that it was because she would accept nothing less than complete honesty and vulnerability from the other girls and I. Lauren doesn’t pretend that she is perfect. But more importantly, she doesn’t forget that we aren’t either. Her desire to share in our struggles and hurts is paired wonderfully with total sincerity and tenderness.
    Lauren is also REALLY loud and I love it. Although this may be joked about, I don’t think anyone could understand how oddly comforting this has been. I grew up in a loud home, people constantly running in and out, competing to be heard by yelling louder than one another, my mom’s laugh and voice was a constant background to everything. Now that my life has quieted down, being in the same room as Lauren brings me a simple joy that reminds me of my family.  Even though it seems silly that I appreciate this so much about Lauren, it has shown me that not only does God know me so well and has quite the sense of humor, but he cares about even the silliest and seemingly smallest desires of my heart.
    As the fall semester moved on, I got the chance to ask Lauren to disciple me. As this year has passed, she has learned about my brokenness, my insecurities and seen the struggles that cause me to lack faith and trust in God. Again, her obedience to the Lord led her to shed wisdom into my life and share in my burdens. She has constantly reminded me and, even better, demonstrated through the way she lives her life that the Lord is faithful to his children AND Jesus has made it so that He won’t ever turn His back on me. How beautiful and loving is our God??
    Thank you so so much for your friendship, Squiggs, and for being a beautiful example of having joy and hope in our savior. I am so grateful that I get to pray, evangelize, fellowship, eat Italian food, color, laugh, and learn from you. I am praying that God will provide me with another sister to pass along the love that He has allowed you to show to me.

         Love you always.

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. -Galatians 6:2

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. -Psalm 16:11

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 10, 2011 - Deanna Pate

            Well, I met Deanna at a beach retreat last fall and it was then that she told me about a mission trip she would be taking to Cambodia this May to help at the Rapha House. She was so joyful that the Lord had given her this great opportunity. She told me how she had wanted to go there for quite a while but knew she had to be patient with the Lord’s will, because He has perfect timing. The Lord’s gift to Deanna exuded His faithfulness and encouraged me to trust in the Lord’s promises in my life.
            Deanna told me how she had to raise 3,000 dollars for the trip and how she didn’t have any of it. After beach retreat, I ran into Deanna every couple of weeks. Without fail, I would ask for any updates on her trip funding. My faith muscle grew as I heard how the Lord was persistently pouring His blessings on Deanna for this trip. Deanna’s updates always reminded me of the importance of praying earnestly and persistently. I was always so encouraged by the way Deanna trusted that the Lord would provide everything she needed for this trip because she knew He wanted her there. In my latest run-in with Deanna, I rejoiced in hearing that everything was in order and ready to go for her trip! She has helped me realize that the desires the Lord places in our hearts are stunning because they are from Him. She has shown me how important it is not to suppress those hopes but, to adore and love them. Deanna’s hope and obedience to the Lord’s plan for her life inspires me to always be in reverent awe of our Creator. Her continuous trip updates would always remind me that the Lord’s blessings are endless and He is always working through people.
            Deanna, thank you for all that you have opened my eyes to. I want to encourage you to keep sharing how God is working in your life. Keep seeking the Lord’s instruction and discipline in your life. Trust that his love is far stronger than any temptation you may come across. Never lose sight of His peace.

            I love you forever,

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” – Psalm 139:14

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5, 2011- Michael Puckett

MIKEY! I never could have imagined that our frienship would grow so much from the day we met and I caled you a pansy for not being able to climb back up on the bridge. Truly though, I am so thankful it has grown and for all the the Lord has in store for our friendship in the future. Strangley enough, I think I have only talked to Mickey a total of three times. The first being the day I met him last May, the second sometime in September on skype and the third being yesterday. There is no rhyme or reason for why we should be friends except for the common ground we have in the Lord and His love for each of us. 

Yesterday when I was talking to Mikey, every word out of his mouth was truly speaking to my heart and I cannot put into words how directly from Christ it was. He is such a light for his creator and truly allows the Lord to speak through him unfiltered, and purely to others. He made so many comments in the fourty-five minute conversation I got to have with him that struck my heart and will stick with me forever. If you know me, you know that I have an unusually tough time excepting encouragement or compliments because they make me unbelievably uncomfortable. I shy away from any sort of interaction that will result in that, and I am quick to change the subject if the conversation is headed in the direction of encouragement towards me. Mikey, however, won't let that happen. Every word he says is intended to build others up in the work the Lord is doing through them, and encouragement for others effortlessly flows through him. I cannot tell all the ways I have been unintentionally called out or beautifully encouraged by him the the few conversations we have had and it pains me not to be able to make up an excuse for why I have to go or just change the topic all together but even in the Mickey is constantly teachig me lessons.

The thing that has stuck with me the most from our conversations is the thing that has made me the most uncomfortable. Of course, being the selfish human I am, I take the compliments and encouragement other's give me and either build myself up or just brush it off because it makes me incredible aukward. Mikey opened my eyes to the idea that when others encourage me, it is not truly me at all. Everything I do or say that comes close to being worthy of encouragement is the Lord and when I shy away from those things, I am not allowing the Lord's work to be acknowledged. Mikey, thank you for being such an incredible man of God and allowing him to constantly speak and work through you. Know that you are impacting and changing lives more then you will ever fully realize and I am so blessed to know you. I love you forever.

Isaiah 52:7
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!"

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Taylor Kristine Wilson

My dearest Twillie, Twil, Twila, Emit, Taydizzle, and/or Tay, I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to grow with you and learn from you. Who would have thought that thirteen years ago our first grade friendship would develop into a sisterhood for eternity. Thank you for being so encouraging with your actions and words and thank you for always listening to me, caring for me, and loving me. Thank you for so many joyful memories, inside jokes, countless laughter and movie quoting, silly adventures, trips to the beach, and most of all, your prayers. 

    Taylor is the kind of girl you just want to know more about as soon as you meet her. Her sense of humor is phenomenal and just plain ridiculous. She is probably the chillest person on the face of the earth and she is a beast at everything. Tay’s really rad but her faith is even cooler. She is the tiniest person I know, and ironically the strongest. Tay has had some tough seasons in her life and I have been fortunate enough to see and learn from the way she handles trying times. It’s clear that her strength is from the Lord and that her peace comes from her trust in the His promises. One of the most amazing things about Tay is her forgiveness. She is never too proud to let go of a grudge and then do whatever it takes to mend any broken relationship. Another awesome thing about Tay is her willingness to be used for the glory of God and to expand His Kingdom. She always has an open-mind and an undying persistence that allows her to be obedient to the Lord’s call. Her joyful spirit is untouchable and can bring a smile to your face and brighten your day in an instant. Her heart is passionate for the amazing plan God has for her life and her patience for the  Lord’s will and with others is so encouraging.

    Beautiful Twil, keep on shining bright for the Lord in every circumstance and in every situation. Keep a steadfast persistence and patience with people and continue to love them without partiality. Always clench on to His words and put them into practice.

I love you forever,
    Joge/ T-Dawg

“Let us hold unswervingly to the faith we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” - Hebrews 10:23

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, at time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Friday, April 1, 2011

Amanda Graziano

Amanda/Pom!!!!. It’s tough to figure out where to begin but I guess a good starting point would be senior year of high school when our conversations consisted of comments about calculus and Mr. Restivo’s class. Man oh man, how our relationship has changed! Amanda and I began college together last fall and soon realized that our common ground was something a bit more solid than math problems- Jesus. We realized that we both had an eager love for the Lord and I cannot express how thankful I am for your friendship and for your endless encouragement, accountability :) and most importantly your love!  I’m so grateful for our midnight missions, our weekend getaways, our Friday mornings, our coffee and bible time, our adoration and appreciation of our friends and how ridiculously amazing they are, your impeccable Bernie skills, your finger-pointing dancing, your criticism of your different laughs, and your dreams of being a housewife! I don’t think you will ever realize just how much of a blessing you are in my life!

 Amanda has a heart that overflows with encouragement and understanding. She is always seeking to know the Lord more, and accepts His plan for her life with a trust that is so incredibly inspiring to witness and be around. Amanda has a way of loving that is genuine, real and just plain honest. She loves through her actions simply because that’s how God loves us and her passion in serving her community is just beautiful. One of the coolest things about her is how she recognizes the simple truth that none of us are any better than the other. We are all people, we all have the same basic needs, we all hurt, and we all need to know that we are absolutely adored by the creator of the universe. Amanda is great at reminding people that their struggles are not insignificant and that the Lord wants us to throw our cares at his feet and that He is always there to comfort us. Amanda has a pure way of viewing others without partiality in a way that you can’t help but see the Lord shining through her. Amanda’s humility in accepting the Lord’s refinement and her excitement for His plans is contagious and uplifting to be near. She is completely aware that she is wholly reliant on the Lord and desperate for his love and guidance. My favorite thing Amanda has shown me is the importance of being obedient to the Holy Spirit and acting in faith to His instructions.

I want to encourage you to keep trusting in the Lord with all of your heart and continue to pray with persistence and patience.  Love fearlessly, act in obedience, and believe with childlike faith.
I love you forever,
            Jorts, Nubs, or just Jordan

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made in perfect love. We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:18-19

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30th -- KateMiller!

Though it is very true that I am not nearly as eloquent with words, I will try to describe the beautiful daughter of God and incredible encourager that Kate Miller is. I first met Kate her Sunnyside year of camp when we both had completely different ideas of what was important in life, and our conversations primarily consisted of shallow topics but always much laughter and joy. That is one of the most beautiful things about Kate, the joy that she brings to other people, and the way that she is able to love and to relate to so many different types of people. She has a way of making everyone around her feel special and love and is able to see the uniqueness of every individual around. After being away from camp for a year, and returning to be on staff with Kate, I was in shock and overjoyed by the way that God had changed her heart. The way God worked in her life was evident in her conversations, the way she loved all the campers (Tweeds included) and simply in the way she lived her life out daily.  It is beautiful to see the way she uses her gifts to give God glory and I always, always love praise and worship time with her no matter the location: Little Dipper porch, a Tweedle cabin, in the Chapel, at Max Patch, in the APT for house church in Boone, or even on top of a mall parking garage. I never imagined I could learn so much from this girl who was 4 years younger than me and always carried a little green backpack around. However, she shows such great maturity and truly displays what spiritual growth looks like. One of my favorite things about her is that she is not afraid to be herself, and is confident in her faith and who she is, but at the same time her confidence comes with a beautiful humility too.
In every area of my life where I like things ordered, perfected, and entirely planned out ...Kate normally behaves in the opposite way. We have very different interests, ideas of fashion (though she does still have my jeans!), and more, but have been bonded and our friendship has grown through a great love from God. So often when I get caught up in plans, my to-do list, and thoughts of the future, she reminds me to live out each day that we have mercifully received for the Lord and not to take this time for granted.  Kate was one of the first people that I was able to be vulnerable and real with about sins and failures, and through that was able to be encouraged and grow in my walk with the Lord.  One of the reasons so many people are encouraged by Kate and want to be around her (other than her humor and an always-guaranteed fun time), is because it is obvious how genuine her faith is. It is not surface-level and just something she is doing because she was told to or thinks it is the right, good thing to do, but it is deeply-rooted in her relationship with Christ. Because of this, she displays obediance in her faith like in traveling to India, to love the unloved, even if it means leaving behind a place and people that she loves so dearly for the summer. I feel truly blessed to have you as a friend, Kate and to see the way you have grown and the gift that you have to encourage and to challenge others in their faith. 

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."  -Romans 12:2

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 30, 2011- Move!

To the one I have yet to meet because my fear of risk restrains my speech, this ones for you. 

I just want you to know. You are valuable beyond measure. Loved by The King. Invited as a high priest. Bought through sacrifice. Don’t need the proposal you’re worth more than the ring. Called a child of God. Welcomed to restoration. Honored above all creation. I don’t write from the perspective of showing my gratitude towards one individual. This entry is a bit more about God. 

God moves. He moves through people, places, actions, things, verbs, attractions, steeples placed in fractions, creation and the list doesn’t stop… Why? Because God moves!

Im not talking about the type of moving from one place to another like a side- to-side movement dodging something sent His direction. Its more like a through motion, using people, places, actions, things, verbs, attractions, steeples placed in fractions, creation … as a catalyst of restoring what’s been lost. Why? Well that’s simple, because He loves us. His movement calls as redemptive love and restoration. If you are reading this blog, you see a lot of that movement through the people Kate has written to encourage. So you see, this movement is more than side to side. It ‘s more like death to life. Why don’t you try that the next time someone tells you to show them your moves? 

I write to the person I have yet to meet knowing that Gods restoration is beyond whom, what, where, why and the how I’ve encountered with my feet. So to the one I’ve yet to meet. 
It’s true, Jesus Love You. Please listen to me. Receive the love you are so longing to see. Allow the creator of all things to wash your feet. Not because your great, but because He’s greater. Because it’s not important what you’ve done, what matters is what has been done on your behalf. 

For whatever reason, I am in an introspective artistic sort of mood so my words may flow a little more like long waves from a ground swell rather than heart penetrating darts like those from a real writer. Long waves = up and down rhythm and flow, sort of like hip hop. Darts= well I think you get it. Maybe I should have told you first so that you could this with a beat

So all in all, We celebrate God, because He continues to move day and night. Sometimes its through people, use this space to share and be encouraged… now write

-Croy Bosch

Monday, March 28, 2011

I need your help!!

Beautiful family and friends,

Life has become overwhelmingly busy lately and it is not fair to so many incredible people that I haven't been taking the time to write these everyday. That being said, this blog was not meant to be a selfish way of me telling others how appreciated they are, it was meant merely to encourage others in who they are in the Lord and how beautiful they are to see. I need your help to keep this up. If you have ever been influenced by anyone, or impacted by a person's selfless love, humble spirit, or encouraging heart, it is your turn to let them know. It is your turn to speak out and tell them how wonderful they are. It's okay if I have already written about them, because everyone means something different to another. Also, don't feel like if someone has written for the day already that you can't! The hope for this blog is to continually encourage others until the end of time as we know it now. So, think of those people you know need to hear how incredible they are and write away dear friends.

Password: 365people

Loving you all and praying continually.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 22, 2011- Anna Herring

MICO!! Oh man, I never could have imagined our journey together from the moment I met you, but I am so thankful for every second that I have been able to spend with you. Anna Herring. Truly, every time I hear her name I cannot help but either grin ear to ear or bust out laughing. There are no words to describe the love I have for her and the joy that she brings to my life. Her spirit is one of a kind and unbelievable to be around. I have never felt more encouraged by any other person in my life and looking back on the summer, it reminds me how beautiful the Lord's plan is and how silly it is for me to try and figure it out. 

I met Anna the first day of staff week and could not have been more excited to teach archery with her all summer. I was amazed at how wonderfully inspiring her faith was and beyond thrilled to learn from her wisdom and knowledge of the Lord. She has such a sweet personality that is guaranteed to build you up and encourage you to climb the mountain in front of you and never give up on the task the Lord has given you. She has some of the best one-liners I have ever heard and whenever I hear the name, "Will" I can only imagine her drawing it out in her precious accent that never ceased to make me laugh. Anna, thank you for being such an incredible woman of God and having the courage and boldness to identify yourself in Him alone. Thank you for worshiping, praying, reading and learning along side with me all summer and I pray that the Lord will keep you in my life daily. I love you forever.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 
"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."

March 21, 2011- Amie Cloer

Amie, Amie, Amie. Thanks to some good KD fun and our math teacher's blue sports car, our friendship has truly blossomed! I am convinced that Amie is hands down one of the sweetest girls to ever exist. She has such a sweet, selfless heart that stands out in a crowd and a fire in her spirit for the Lord that is impossible to put out. If you get a chance to meet Amie, you will immediately have your day brightened by her beautifully inspiring smile and encouragement that resonates with you for a while. 

One of the most inspiring things about Amie is her desire to fully rely on the Lord in every situation. Daily we are faced with trials and troubles that we can either run from or face head on and persevere through. Amie has the desire to never settle for anything less then what she feels the Lord asks of her and that always means relying on Him to climb the mountain ahead of her. She is never negative about people or situations and seeks out the joy in ever circumstance. Amie, remember how courageous the Lord has called us to be and never give up because things get too tough. Persevere through knowing that you will be whole and complete, needing nothing in the end(James 1:2-4). Thank you for always putting a smile in my heart and making my days a little less cloudy. I love you forever.

James 5:13
"Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 20, 2011- Hayley Owens

I cannot tell you how much I have been putting this off. Truly, I was counting on you following through on the "I will not turn twenty and be alive" pact we made at thirteen. Alas, you go ahead and survive to be old, in the second century of your life and changing the world daily. For those of you who don't know who I am referring to when I say Hayley Owens, you might recognize her with the name Mom which we decided to give ourselves around the time we made the "I will not turn twenty and be alive" pact. Mom and I go way back to birth when our real mom's decided to hang out (like many sisters do) and tote us along with them to mom things like jazzercise, lunch dates and family events you can't get out of. As we grew up and middle school rolled around, Mom and I quickly bonded over the fact that we were both fat and weird.  

From there we journeyed through the high school years where she had to put up with my constant complaining and inconsistent decisions on boys along with my doubts and fears for the future. She never once complained about my rants or turned me away when I had a bad day and needed someone to talk to. She was a true friend that I never wanted to spend a day without. We would spend entirely too much time on the phone, on iChat or begging our parents to let us hang out. We drank way too much coffee, came up with ridiculous ideas and spent our life savings on gas to just drive around. Looking back at those memories I am reminded of some of my absolute favorite times with one of the most incredible gifts the Lord has ever given me. I am beyond lucky to have a friend that I can always rely on through any situation, and that I know will never give up on me.

Mommy, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for you and your incredible heart for others. There are many days that I recall the selfless love you had for me then and still have for me now. We have a friendship that none will ever understand and I am so appreciative for you. You have the most beautiful way of loving others and never putting yourself first. You listen to the Lord's call for you and you always put your full reliance on Him. Stay strong in where you are now and remember that He has you there for a reason. Continue to be a radiating light wherever you go, and never forget how precious you are to Him. I love you forever.

Isaiah 40:28-31
"Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

I couldn't pick just one of these:

March 19, 2011- Nicole Zananski

Oh Sue, I guess our friendship truly began with illiteracy on my end. Sauna looked a lot like Sue Ana and lucky for me, we were all in weird enough moods thanks to Irene's class that it stuck! Truly though, I cannot tell you how much the laughter that you and Jordan provided for me in that class meant to me. Sue I don't know anyway to sum up our friendship other then ridiculous and I guess with this post, you deserve a happy birthday since you are the big one-nine today!!

Sue has a gentle spirit about her that few I know can compare to. She is one of the most patient and accepting people I have ever known and her heart for others is beautiful to witness. She has compassion for people that is so obvious and so inspiring to be around, it's hard not to love her. Between our mindless comments in between essays or scantrons, I got to see a beautiful child of God working and sharing His light with all she came in contact with. Sue, continue to strive after your creator and His will for you. Remember that everything happens for a reason and never be discouraged by mountains the Lord places in front of you to climb. Persevere and know that when it is all over you will be so much closer to Christ then you could ever imagine. I am constantly praying for you, and I love you forever.

James 4:8
"Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world."

March 18, 2011- Aubree Robinson

Oh my sweet little carrot, how I miss you. When I think about our friendship I guess it really started back in middle school when you played the beautiful lead in The Pirates of Penzance play and blew me away with your voice!! I don't think I would really throw us in the friend category though until high school when we both got to sing and fellowship with each other under the leadership of Mr. Redding. That man sure knows how to bond people, and I am so thankful I got to know you and your heart for others.

One of my fondest memories of you is when we were hiking in Nevada or Utah or somewhere in the middle and we ask that woman to take our picture in which she proceeded to take one of herself by accident. I cannot tell you how much I crack up laughing to this day when I think about that and how funny it was to see her confused face on the camera screen. Truly though Aubree, you have a light that radiates off you wherever you go and a spirit that makes others appreciate who the Lord created them to be. You have such joy for the things you do and it is inspiring to see and learn from. I miss our constant laughing and rebellious adventures that accomplished nothing but more laughing. I hope all is well in your life and that you never forget how precious you are to your creator. I love you forever.

Psalm 126:2
"We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, What amazing things the Lord has done for them."

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 17, 2011- Sarah-Kate Powell

SKP! My sweet, sweet girl, I cannot tell you how proud I am of the woman you are becoming. SKP is one of those girls you meet an instantly want to be best friends with. Normally this is an incredible thing, but when you are her counselor, it is somewhat frowned upon to want to be best friends with your camper...

Regardless, SKP and I got to know each other over the years and I grew to depend upon her sweet, encouraging smile and spirit to brighten my days at camp. She has such an excitement for life and such a beautiful love for people. Her selflessness is unbelievable and far beyond her years in maturity. I have never come across someone who cares so much for others at such a young age, and I am so encouraged by how far along her relationship with the Lord is already. She has an incredible gift of encouraging others to be better then they are and never fails to amaze me with her love. SKP, never forget how adored you are by Christ and how beautifully you have been made. Stay true to who you are and never compromise who the Lord has made you to be for anyone. I will miss you dearly this summer, but know that I love you forever.

Romans 8:28
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 16, 2011- Ali Fry

Oh Ali, if I had known that our fall ball lacrosse would have sparked such a beautiful friendship, I might have showed up for a few more games. No let's be honest, I would have just encouraged you to skip more with me. Regardless, I am so thankful I met you in that environment and that you looked past my incapability to play that sport well and sought out my heart. Between our five am trips to the YMCA before school and Starbucks runs in the three minutes we had before first period, I am so grateful for the impact you had on me. I saw something in you Ali that was beautiful but rare and now looking back I know that it was Jesus I was seeing in you.

Our friendship grew to running 5K's in onesies and making the "Anna" face in every other picture. The other half of the pictures we were obviously doing the evolution of the peace sign. Truly though Ali I cannot tell you how important all of those memories are to me and how encouraged and excited I was by your faith for a man I knew very little about. Ali thank you for truly being His hands and feet wherever you go and to whomever you are around. I miss our acoustic renditions to popular songs and the never ending stage of the french accent. I cannot express to you how grateful I am to you for allowing Christ to radiate through you and change my life forever. I love you forever.

Mark 16:15
"And then he told them, Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 15, 2011- Ellen Moore

I have truly been in the presence of this beautiful girl twice I'm pretty sure, and yet she has had such an influence on me in that little time we spent together. Ellen goes to UCF with two of my closest friends Kaitlin and Brittany, and I cannot tell you how jealous I get of her sometimes. She met Kaitlin first when they both did crew and from the moment Kaitlin met her all I heard about was how cool Ellen was and what an incredible daughter of Christ she was. Needless to say I was anxious and excited to meet her and hear about her love for the Lord. Kaitlin was not joking or exaggerating at all about how cool Ellen was either, she truly is a rock star and I can only imagine the smile that spreads across the Lord's face when He looks down at the light she is at UCF.

Ellen, I can't pretend to know you that well, but what I do know is how passionate you are about the Lord. I am so thankful for the encouragement you give me and more importantly, the way you encourage Kaitlin and Brittany. I cannot tell you how excited I am that you are a part of their lives and I love hearing stories of the incredible woman you are from them. Know that the work you are doing at UCF for the Lord is so beautiful and that He could not be prouder of you. Thank you for loving the Lord with all of your heart and never being afraid to show it, I love you forever.

James 5:19-20
"My dear brothers and sisters, if someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back, you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back will save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14, 2011- Lennon Dodson

Lennon, from the moment I met you I could not wait to be your friend. Lennon was my counselor my Sunnyside year and if she could deal with me at sixteen, she could deal with anyone. She was one of those counselors you couldn't help but adore, and never ceased to put a smile on my face. I didn't really get to know Lennon as a friend and sister in Christ until the next year when we were both on staff, and ever since the have just grown to love her more every day.

If you haven't had the opportunity to have a conversation with Lennon, I am so sorry. She is truly one of the most genuine people I have ever known and could not be sweeter. She is encouraging and uplifting in the way she relates to others and makes you really feel confident in who the Lord molded you to be rather then who the world want's you to be. It is a unique gift to find in someone and I am so thankful that God placed her in my life when he did. At the age where I felt the most unsure and worthless, she reminded me of how strong and worthy Christ is for me. Lennon, thank you for always being someone who encourages me to be silly and laugh at myself, but also remind me to glorify the Lord though it all. I am so thankful for the role model position the Lord placed you in, at the perfect time in my life and how beautiful our friendship has grown out of that. Remember how beautiful and precious you are to your creator, I love you forever.

Galatians 6:9
"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 13, 2011- Kristine Young

Oh my dear friend, I cannot tell you how much I loved our constant battles of sarcasm and Chinese jokes!! Kristine and I go way back to the good ole' days of choir practice that consisted of us complaining about how much we hated choir without Mr. Redding. We were unbelievably bitter and sassy to all that tried us and looking back at that I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous we were. If I wasn't cracking on how short you were, it was something about how I was surprised you could see me with your eyes all squinted up, yet you never ceased to dish it right back out with ten times the rudeness!!

Kristine and I got really close my junior and senior year of high school when we both began to fall in love with Jesus. We started going to Element together and having incredible conversation instead of doing any type of work in the classes we had together. We got to celebrate with each other in victories and grieve together in our losses. No matter how much we hated situations we were in, we challenged each other to seek the joy out in every situation and for that I am forever grateful. Kristine I cannot tell you how much your encouragement and love meant to me throughout the years. Never forget how perfectly created you are and how adored you are by the King. I love you forever.

Matthew 11:28-30
"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.""

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 12, 2011- Max Bush

Max Bush, (said in the best french accent I could muster up) but of course today's entry would be on you! Oh my dear friend, our relationship has come a long way since french accents and you forgetting my name. Max is the kind of guy you always want to be around. He has this way of intentionally starting conversation about the Lord that is incredibly beautiful to see, and inspiring to be around. When he looks at people, I truly believe that he looks straight at their hearts and loves them instantly just as we are called too do. It is an unbelievable feeling to be encouraged in who the Lord has made you to be and he is so gifted in doing just that. 

Our relationship truly blossomed at the end of my senior year of high school as we got to know each other's hearts better and were able to better encourage each other in passions and desires of the Lord. Through prayer for each other and circumstances that we were personally struggling through or watching and hearing other's struggle through, Max and I became closer and closer solidifying our relationship in Christ. Max, as bummed as I am that we don't get to catch up as much as I wish we could, I am so thankful for the conversations we do get to have. They are never pithy or filled with mindless small talk, and always stay centered on furthering our walks in the Lord. I am so impressed and amazed with the man you are becoming, never forget who your strength and courage comes from. Stay true to who the Lord has molded you to be and know that I love you forever.

Psalm 33:22
"Let your unfailing love surround us, Lordfor our hope is in you alone."

Not a picture of you and I but I don't think a picture could sum you up better then this.

March 11, 2011- Allison Mitchell

THUMBELINA!! Looking back at our friendship, I think it all really started the day we went to Bush Gardens together, the summer before our sophomore year of high school. That quickly escalated to nicknames, taking ugly pictures together, trips to Gainesville, hiding in closets and most importantly, our walks with Jesus together. Allison is one of those girls you cannot help but love the moment you meet her. She has a spirit about her that stands out in a crowd and a heart that is willing to do anything for anyone because of Christ's love for her. She is hilarious and has an unbelievably beautiful joy for her creator that is inspiring to be around.

The thing I have taken away most from Allison is to remember that even in the worst of times, Jesus will always be there to catch you. He will always be your best friend and your provider through every situation, and I cannot tell you how important that was for me to learn. Allison, thank you for always pursuing Christ and never giving up on the relationships you left back in Florida. Thank you for prayers, encouragement and friendship in the best and worst of times. Know that there truly is a plan for absolutely everything, and that the Lord will work through you wherever you are. Your strength and reliance in the Lord never ceases to amaze me, I love you forever.

Psalm 37:7
"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 10, 2011- Eva Caruso

Eva, Eva, Eva... from the first day of camp that you and your beautiful blonde hair strolled into Moonmist, I knew we would have a blast together. Everything you did and said was absolutely hilarious and I couldn't help but want you around to make not only the new girls but myself included more comfortable in such an awkward first day setting. Your bubbly personality was exactly what we needed to make everyone feel at home and already be having a blast. I couldn't count all the times you made me burst out laughing, but I knew I could always rely on you to put a smile on my face.

My fondest memory of Eva was on the day we did chapel as a cabin. I let you borrow my bible to read some verses out of and when I got it back, there was a note tucked in one of the verses you read, encouraging me in my faith. I can't tell you in words how much that note meant to me Eva, but know that my heart was so joyful and that I read that note to this day when I need encouragement. Eva, your actions remind me to look for Jesus in everyone and everything. He is doing absolutely incredible things in your life and I encourage you to stay strong in Him when life seems to let you down. Know that I am praying for you constantly and that I love you forever.

Isaiah 59:1
"Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call."