Monday, April 11, 2011

April 10, 2011 - Deanna Pate

            Well, I met Deanna at a beach retreat last fall and it was then that she told me about a mission trip she would be taking to Cambodia this May to help at the Rapha House. She was so joyful that the Lord had given her this great opportunity. She told me how she had wanted to go there for quite a while but knew she had to be patient with the Lord’s will, because He has perfect timing. The Lord’s gift to Deanna exuded His faithfulness and encouraged me to trust in the Lord’s promises in my life.
            Deanna told me how she had to raise 3,000 dollars for the trip and how she didn’t have any of it. After beach retreat, I ran into Deanna every couple of weeks. Without fail, I would ask for any updates on her trip funding. My faith muscle grew as I heard how the Lord was persistently pouring His blessings on Deanna for this trip. Deanna’s updates always reminded me of the importance of praying earnestly and persistently. I was always so encouraged by the way Deanna trusted that the Lord would provide everything she needed for this trip because she knew He wanted her there. In my latest run-in with Deanna, I rejoiced in hearing that everything was in order and ready to go for her trip! She has helped me realize that the desires the Lord places in our hearts are stunning because they are from Him. She has shown me how important it is not to suppress those hopes but, to adore and love them. Deanna’s hope and obedience to the Lord’s plan for her life inspires me to always be in reverent awe of our Creator. Her continuous trip updates would always remind me that the Lord’s blessings are endless and He is always working through people.
            Deanna, thank you for all that you have opened my eyes to. I want to encourage you to keep sharing how God is working in your life. Keep seeking the Lord’s instruction and discipline in your life. Trust that his love is far stronger than any temptation you may come across. Never lose sight of His peace.

            I love you forever,

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” – Psalm 139:14

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

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